These are not problems with generics per se, but with the practicality of language evolution and compatibility. 这并非泛型本身的问题,而是与语言的演化与兼容有关。
I can then use generics to specify the explicit type for both the outgoing key and the value. 然后我可以使用泛型来为传出键和值指定显式类。
But they can make generics a little more confusing, and frustrating, to learn and use. 但这些也使得泛型学习和应用起来更让人迷惑,更加困难。
Our proprietary brands can't compete with the generics, especially those that are manufactured offshore. 我们的品牌不能和同行的产品竞争,尤其是那些海外生产的产品。
This represents the folder library/ generics/ collections under the C# project. 这代表了文件夹library/generics/collections在C项目之下。
Simply put, generics provide compile-time type safety for collections. 简单来说,泛型为集合提供了编译时类型安全。
Do that and suddenly your code is80 percent generics, annotations, and enumerations. 如果这样做,那么您的代码就会突然之间有80%是泛型、标注和枚举。
Last time, I showed how you can use runtime reflection to access generics information. 在上一期中,我为您介绍了如何使用运行时反射来访问泛型信息。
Generics information is stored in a new standard attribute: the signature attribute. 泛型信息存储在一个新的标准属性中:签名属性。
Existing classes that were designed before generics may have semantics that resist the "obvious" generification approach. 在泛型之前设计的类可能阻碍了“显然的”泛型化方法。
Generics can help you resolve coding problems earlier in the development cycle. 泛型可以帮助您在开发周期的早期解决编码问题。
This process requires understanding Java generics, because Hadoop prefers explicit type safety. 这个过程需要理解Java泛型,因为Hadoop选择使用显式类型,为了安全起见。
However, because of generics, the compiler now throws warnings when collections are used without type safety. 然而,因为泛型,当使用集合而没有类型安全时,编译器将抛出警告。
JSR14: Added generics to the Java programming language. JSR14:将泛型添加到Java编程语言中。
Create a UML package named generics under the library package. 建立一个UML包并将其命名为generics在包library之下。
Support for generics is limited. 对泛型的支持是有限的。
Two such missing features are exceptions and generics, both very helpful in other languages. 这当中两个缺失的特性就是异常和泛型,两者在其它语言当中都是非常有用的。
For.NET2 and generics, neither co-nor contra-variance was supported. 对于.NET2和泛型,协变和逆变变异都不能支持了。
Guice and EasyMock stand out as two frameworks I have been using that have used the power of generics to implement extraordinary typesafety. Guice和EasyMock是我用过的比较优秀的两个框架,它们利用泛型实现了突出的类型安全。
I'm adding a few more items here and there, plus an entire chapter on generics. 我正在各处添加一些更多的条目,为泛型加入了一整章。
Let's see how annotations, enums and generics can be used from Groovy. 让我们看看在Groovy中如何使用注解,枚举和泛型。
Always prefer using C# generics in data structures. 在数据结构中总是优先使用C型。
Not only does it have the same "null reference exception" that Java had, with generics we also were given the problems with Nullable value types. 它不仅提供了Java所拥有的“空引用异常”,而且还提供了Nullable值类型以解决通用的问题。
Note that the Generics must have a constraint on it. 注意在这里使用了泛型的约束。
This essay introduces generics, a new characteristic of programming language. 文章简介了编程语言的一种新特性&泛型。
This illustrates that generics in C# are not like templates in C++. 这个C里泛型的例子并不像C++里面的模板。
Brand-name prescription drugs can be copied as generics once their patents have expired. 按处方开药的名牌药品一旦专利期限过了,就可以当作非专利药被仿制。