They have been accused of genocidal crimes. 他们被指控犯有种族灭绝罪。
Nazis preserved the collective-farm system, systematically carried out genocidal policies against Jews, and deported others ( mainly Ukrainians) to work in Germany. 纳粹在乌克兰保留了集体农庄制度,系统地执行了对犹太人的种族灭绝政策以及驱赶大批乌克兰人至德国成为苦力。
But in a country that had been ravaged by genocidal conflict, the progress is amazing. 但是,在这样一个曾受到种族灭绝冲突蹂躏的国家,进展却令人惊奇。
Then there is China's expansion into Africa, particularly its cosy relations with genocidal Sudan. 随后即是中国向非洲的扩张,特别是同曾发生种族灭绝的苏丹关系密切。
Any genocidal movement that has left behind a written record has been shown to use the mechanism of disgust to dehumanize people and make them easier to kill. 任何有记录的种族灭绝运动,都利用过反感这个手段,来抹杀人性,使得更容易杀害他们。
The world is no longer accepting dollars or Euros printed by banks under the control of the genocidal cabal. 整个世界不再接受美金或者欧元,在种族灭尽黑暗团体的控制下由银行印刷出来。
Pushing for a "two-state solution" in Israel, as Europeans do, hardly seems genocidal. 敦促以色列施行“两国方案”,就像欧洲人目前主张的那样,也和种族灭绝不挨边儿。
His argument is based on the assumption that the Iranian government is run by genocidal maniacs, who would actively welcome Armageddon. 他的观点基于这样一个假设:控制伊朗政府的是一群具有种族灭绝倾向的疯子,他们会热烈欢迎末日战争(armageddon)的到来。
In his new role as a blogger, Fidel Castro said that while he did not question Mr Obama's sincerity, the measures did nothing to dismantle the "genocidal" embargo. 转业成为专门博客作家的菲德尔卡斯特罗说,虽然他并不质疑奥巴马总统的诚意,但是这些措施无助于解除“灭族似的”经济禁令。
Demagogue. Well, I am calling him a terrorist and genocidal, AFP quoted Chavez as saying. 那么,我称他是一名恐怖主义和种族灭绝,法新社引述查韦斯的话说。