But the attention of every lady was soon caught by a young man, whom they had never seen before, of most gentlemanlike appearance, walking with an officer on the other side of the way. 不到一会儿工夫,这许多小姐都注意到一位年轻人身上去了。那人她们从来没见过,一副道地的绅士气派,正跟一个军官在街道那边散步。
Mr. Gardiner was a sensible, gentlemanlike man, greatly superior to his sister, as well by nature as education. 嘉丁纳先生是个通情达理、颇有绅士风度的人物,无论在个性方面,在所受的教育方面,都高出他姐姐很多。
His address was particularly gentlemanlike. 他的言谈举止也特别彬彬有礼。
He seems a most gentlemanlike man. 他看上去特别有绅士气派。
He did justice to his very gentlemanlike appearance, his air of elegance and fashion, his good shaped face, his sensible eye; 他称赞他很有绅士派头,风度优雅入时,脸形好看,还长有一双聪慧的眼睛。
The open-minded and shibui civilization of Europe gave him gentlemanlike behavior, and the natural and harmonious culture of Orient gave him supreme wisdom. 欧洲文明的开放与典雅培养了他的绅士举止,而自然和谐的东方文化则赋予他最高的智慧。
The most gentlemanlike man I know and yet you would 你是我见过最具绅士风度的男士但是
The gentlemanlike benevolence, moral inside while strong outside, agrees with the development of individualism and humanitarianism in China, also endows benevolence with a new sense. 这种内圣外王的仁者君子之道,为个人主义和人道主义在中国的发展找到了一个契合点,并对仁进行了崭新的诠释。