Laughing so shrilly that all the market-place could hear her, the weird old gentlewoman took her departure. 那怪模怪样的老夫人尖声大笑着走开了,惹得全市场的人都听到了。
However, the question is how many men deserve a lady of such a high gentlewoman quotient. 可现在的问题是,有多少男人配得上如此高淑商的女子呢?
Gentlewoman calls out lackey, swift end gives dish of hamburger to look to this individual. 贵妇人便唤仆人,快端出盘肉饼给这个人看看。
She was, to the end, a gentlewoman of the old school, gracious and mannerly. 说到底,她仍是一位温文尔雅、礼貌可嘉的守旧派的贵妇人。
He could not speak of such things to a gentlewoman. 对一位女士没法说这种事。
In the play, Ostrovsky foretold the tragedy of Katerina from the first person Katerina, the third person gentlewoman, and visitors A, B, etc. 在该剧中,奥斯特罗夫斯基分别从第一人称卡捷琳娜和第三人称贵妇人、游客甲、乙等视角对卡捷琳娜的悲剧结局进行了预言。
She gave me the like cue to the gentlewoman. 她给了我相似的线索,叫我到那位太太那里去。
Having understood as much, I was rather astonished to find her so very lady-like! But she is really quite the gentlewoman. 虽然早就有所耳闻,但是见她如此雍容大度,我还真是大为吃惊呢!她是个真正有教养的女人。
No one could spot a gentlewoman quicker than Father Ralph. 没有一个人能象拉尔夫神父那样快地击中女人的要害。
Once a time, I have a dream, I am a signorino, walking on the road with a birdcage on my hand all day, molesting gentlewoman. 我曾经有一个梦想,自己是有钱人家的少爷,整天提着鸟笼走在大街上调戏良家妇女。
I had no sooner said so but thd other gentlewoman cried out," a pickpocket!" 我一喊,那位太太也跟着喊道,“有扒手!”
From Old Southern Gentlewoman to New Southern Fox 从旧南方淑女到新南方狐狸
Chapter Two discusses that under the pressure of survival, the adult Moll consciously disguises herself as a gentlewoman investing in the marriage market and with thief career. 第二章主要讨论成年的摩尔迫于生存的压力而利用伪装的淑女身份斡旋于婚姻市场和盗窃事业。
To be a Southern gentlewoman, she is under the control of Southern womanhood and patriarchy. 在南方淑女制和父权制的控制之下,斯诺蒂成了一位名副其实的南方淑女。
Then her eagerness for a gentlewoman identity pushes her to resort to marriage. 摩尔对淑女身份的渴望又促使她转向婚姻寻找依靠。