For instance, suppose you're using a Gentoo system, which can consume vast quantities of disk space in the/ usr/ portage and/ var/ tmp/ portage directories. 例如,假设您正在使用Gentoo系统,它可以消耗/usr/portage和/var/tmp/portage目录下大量磁盘空间。
The Gentoo distribution is perfect for this, as you can easily recompile some or all of your system with the precise compilation flags you choose. Gentoo发行版在这个方面做得非常好,您可以使用自己选择的确切编译标记轻松地重新编译某些或所有系统组件。
I'm the chief architect of Gentoo Linux, a next-generation Linux OS currently in beta. 我是GentooLinux(目前还是beta版的下一代LinuxOS)的首席设计师。
Gentoo is again a good idea here because it includes the concept of USE flags, which allow you to easily build your system with application features disabled. 借助Gentoo又是很好的主意,因为它包含USE标记的概念,允许在禁用应用程序的特性之后,轻松构建系统。
When greeted with the login: prompt, I logged in to the live Gentoo Linux CD-based system as root, hitting Enter at the password prompt. 当出现带有“login:”提示符的欢迎界面时,输入root,并在密码提示符下按一下Enter键,这样我就以root用户登录到这个生动的基于GentooLinuxCD的系统。
In the case of the distribution I use, gentoo, you need to add "profile" to your USE flags and re-emerge glibc. 在我使用的发行版gentoo中,需要将“profile”添加到USE标志中,并重新执行emergeglibc。
If you're using Gentoo Linux, be aware that you must set swat as a USE flag when you emerge the samba package to build SWAT. 如果您正在使用GentooLinux,请注意,当您使用samba程序包来构建SWAT时,必须将swat设置为一个USE标志。
I've also added a dynamic firewall scripts section to the Gentoo Linux Web site that you can visit to get the latest version of the tarball. 我还将动态防火墙脚本代码部分添加到GentooLinux网站上,您可以访问这个网站以获取最新版本的tar文件。
You will also find common libraries in other distributions, such as Gentoo and Debian. 您也会在Gentoo和Debian等其他发行版本中找到通用程序库。
The Gentoo distribution installs most software from source code but using a streamlined procedure that's more like using an RPM or Debian package; consult Gentoo's documentation for details. Gentoo发行版通过源代码安装大部分软件,但是使用一个流线化过程,更像是使用一个RPM或Debian软件包;查询Gentoo的文档了解详情。
For example, to install on Gentoo, you can use:$ emerge dev-lang/ erlang. 例如,要想在Gentoo上安装它,可以使用$emergedev-lang/erlang。
Gentoo offers downloads, documentation, and news about this compile-it-from-scratch version of Linux. Gentoo提供了这个从零开始编译的Linux版本的相关下载、文档和新闻。
Gentoo was initially created by Daniel Robbins as the Enoch Linux distribution. 创建的Gentoo最初由Daniel罗宾斯作为伊诺克Linux发行。
The development project and its products are named after the Gentoo penguin. 对开发建设项目,其产品命名的巴布亚企鹅。
Portage is also the name of Gentoo's default package management utility. 波蒂奇也是名称的Gentoo默认的软件包管理工具。
Some Gentoo users have come to a realisation that the time-consuming compiling of software packages brings only marginal speed and optimisation benefits. 有些Gentoo用户已经认识到耗时的编译一个软件程序包带来的只是边际效益的速度和优化。
On the other end of the spectrum, Slackware Linux, Gentoo Linux and FreeBSD are more advanced distributions that require plenty of learning before they can be used effectively. 在另一范围内,SlackwareLinux,GentooLinux和FreeBSD是需要经过大量的学习后,才可以有效地加以利用的更先进的发行版。
Gentoo Linux has lost much of its original glory in recent years. GentooLinux操作系统近年来已经失去了其原有的荣光。
Being a Gentoo Linux user myself, it was natural to start by making so-called ebuilds ( the package descriptions files for Gentoo). 我自己作为一个GentooLinux用户,很自然地就从构建ebuild(Gentoo中的一种包描述文件)开始。