Hungary and Poland have suffered before because of their unfortunate geopolitical position on the European map. 匈牙利和波兰因其在欧洲地图上的极为不利的地缘政治位置而备受磨难。
The west has a new industry. It is the booming business of calculating geopolitical risk. 西方出现了一个新行业&蒸蒸日上的地缘政治风险评估生意。
Yet it must be made clear that this is a trade agreement, not a geopolitical one in disguise. 然而,必须明确的是,这是一个贸易协定,而不是伪装的地缘政治协定。
Whether the latest oil price plunge and recession have any impact on his geopolitical adventurism remains to be seen. 究竟俄罗斯最近的油价暴跌和衰退是否会对他的地缘政治冒险主义产生影响,目前仍有待观察。
Another would be a major geopolitical clash between the US and China, perhaps over Taiwan. 另一种可能性是美国与中国在一个重要地缘政治问题(或许是台湾问题)上发生冲突。
Iran believes it is the big power in the region and enjoys a geopolitical and geostrategic position. 伊朗自信是中东地区的一个大国,并享有地缘政治和地缘战略地位。
Russia remains a major geopolitical player that still thinks and acts like one of the big, global powers. 俄罗斯仍是一支主要的地缘政治力量,其思维方式和行为方式仍像是一个重要的全球强国。
They covered geopolitical, financial, economic and policy factors. 这些因素涵盖地缘政治、金融、经济和政策几个方面。
But his take on China is more nuanced, and takes in historical and geopolitical analysis. 但他对中国的看法更加入微,并进行了历史和地缘政治分析。
With the increased supply the geopolitical and economic interest in biofuel faded away. 随着提供量的增加,对生物燃料的经济兴趣消失了。
Those problems are political in nature, not geopolitical. 那些问题实质上是些政治问题,而不是地缘政治学问题。
Was the collapse of the Soviet Union the "geopolitical catastrophe" of the last century? 苏联的垮台是上个世纪的一次“地缘政治灾难”吗?
More importantly, Exxon will not compete on the basis of geopolitical concerns, only financial return. 更重要的是,埃克森美孚将不会基于地缘政治关切、而只能从财务回报的角度竞争。
Geopolitical theory and political geography are two simultaneously-emerging, equally-positioned and parallel-developing scientific fields. 地缘政治理论与政治地理学是同时产生、地位平等和并列发展的科学领域。
Above all, he stresses that the conflict was not ideological but geopolitical. 他强调,首先这场战争并不是基于意识形态的,而是基于地理政治学的。
It's time to lower our geopolitical sights and end America's unrealistic crusade. 是降低我们地理政治学和结束美国一切实际的改革运动的时候了。
China and India have become locked in an increasingly nasty dispute over territory and geopolitical influence. 中国和印度已在领土和地缘政治影响力问题上陷入日益激烈的争端。
He does not think the country can continue to rely on export-led growth for both geopolitical and economic reasons. 他认为,出于地缘政治和经济两方面的原因,中国不能继续依靠出口拉动经济增长。
One big differentiator is geopolitical risk, which sets apart Russia and India from China and brazil. 一个明显的区别是地缘政治风险,它将俄罗斯和印度同中国和巴西区隔开来。
There was no doubt in my mind about the geopolitical stakes. 在我思想里,对于地缘政治上的利害关系是没有任何怀疑的。
There is too much complacency about a soft landing for the US economy, low inflation and geopolitical risk. 人们对美国经济软着陆、低通胀和地缘政治风险盲目自满。
It took half a century and two wars for raw American economic power to translate into geopolitical dominance. 接着花了半个世纪和两次世界大战,将原始的经济实力转化为地缘政治上的主导地位。
The same goes for India's sense of geopolitical inferiority. 同样的,也使他们产生了这种地缘政治劣势感。
And the geopolitical and economic backdrop presents significant obstacles to agreement. 地缘政治和经济背景对达成共识构成了重大障碍。
And then there is geopolitical uncertainty over North Korea and Iran. 还有,目前在朝鲜和伊朗问题上,存在地缘政治方面的不确定性。
And many believe Moscow's geopolitical stance on energy resources could politicise the sector. 而且许多人认为莫斯科在能源资源的地缘政治立场可能让这个部门政治化。
While the TPP and RCEP may be geopolitical rivals, analysts say their goals are different. 尽管TPP和RCEP在地缘政治上也许是相互竞争的,但分析师们表示,两个协定的目标有所不同。
Another step should be to broaden the G8 annual meetings to reflect current economic and geopolitical realities. 另一个举措应是扩大g8年会,以反映目前的经济和地缘政治现实。
Corporate risk management must be mindful of the close correlation between geopolitical and economic risks. 企业风险管理必须注意地缘政治与经济风险之间的强相关性。
Risks persist, including in financial markets and from geopolitical tensions. 包括金融市场和地缘政治紧张等风险依然存在。