Aside from the geostrategic and climate change impact of shale, there is a considerable economic impact. 除地缘战略和气候变化的影响之外,页岩气还会带来显著的经济影响。
Iran believes it is the big power in the region and enjoys a geopolitical and geostrategic position. 伊朗自信是中东地区的一个大国,并享有地缘政治和地缘战略地位。
As a practical matter, we need to widen and deepen our geostrategic co-operation, beyond the immediate need for close collaboration in coping with the economic crisis. 作为一个实际问题,除了目前必须紧密合作解决目前的经济危机以外,我们需要扩大并深化我们的地缘战略合作。
The need is certainly there when it comes to energy both to ensure that commercial competition does not turn into geostrategic rivalry, and to respond to the major environmental challenges. 从能源角度而言,这一对话当然也是必要的既要确保商业竞争不演变为地缘敌对,也需要对重大的环境挑战做出回应。
Overwhelming us power ended the geostrategic competition between European powers, while integration built trust and replaced conflict with mutually beneficial deals. 美国的强大势力结束了欧洲大国之间的地缘政治竞争,一体化产生了信任,并用互惠协议替代了冲突。
If the geostrategic risk is remote, it should not be ignored altogether. 虽然说地缘战略风险很小,但也不应完全置之不理。
In the longer term, the rise of China as a power has given South-East Asia a renewed geostrategic relevance in keeping with its economic heft. 从长期来看,中国崛起为大国赋予了东南亚一种与其经济影响力相称的、全新的地缘战略重要性。
It is hoped that the mutual benefits of this trading relationship will become increasingly obvious and that this, in turn, will help smooth over emerging geostrategic rivalries. 人们希望,这种贸易关系的互惠性将变得日益明显,并进而帮助缓和正在露头的地缘战略对抗。
Geostrategic and political factors, such as the continued stand-off with Iran, suggest that it should be higher. Global economic worries, however, are winning the latest round of the tug of war that pushes and pulls the oil price. 国际社会与伊朗的持续僵局等地缘战略和政治因素表明油价应该上涨,然而,在多空因素的最新一轮较量中,对全球经济的担忧正占据上风。
Indeed, the most important geostrategic relationship of the 21st century is likely to be that of China and the US, because of their mutual economic dependence and potential strategic rivalry. 确实,由于中美两国在经济上的相互依存,加上两国潜在的战略竞争,中美关系可能是21世纪最为重要的地缘战略关系。
What is the current geostrategic status of the US-China relationship? 目前中美关系的地缘战略状态如何?
Profound changes are taking place in the international situation, as manifested in the historic changes in the balance of power, global governance structure, Asia-Pacific geostrategic landscape, and international competition in the economic, scientific and technological, and military fields. 国际形势深刻演变,国际力量对比、全球治理体系结构、亚太地缘战略格局和国际经济、科技、军事竞争格局正在发生历史性变化。
The Geostrategic Analysis of Taiwan Issue 台湾问题的地缘战略分析
This paper expounds the crucial strategic role of Taiwan in China's development of sea power due to its geostrategic features. 台湾的地缘战略特点说明台湾对中国发展海权具有的重要战略作用。
In the field of energy, though the two parties are eager to cooperate, there are the current existing non-confidence and the disagreement in Geostrategic interests between them only to lead to fail the cooperation potential here. 在能源领域,双边虽然都有较强烈的需求和合作愿望,但现实存在的不信任和地缘战略利益分歧,使这一领域的合作潜力还远没有得到释放;
Reflecting on China's Geostrategic Issues from the Perspective of the World System 从世界体系视角思考中国地缘战略问题
The forming of Sino Europe geostrategic relationship pattern had its special historical process. 中欧地缘战略关系格局的形成经历了其历史的过程。
The Grand Chessboard: American primacy and its geostrategic imperatives 大棋局:美国的首要地位及其必要的地缘战略
The surrounding international situation of Xinjiang in 2004 shows various features: after getting better, the geostrategic situation of the Central and Southern Asia had turned bad again under the influences of the major powers 'relations; 2004年的新疆周边形势体现出多方面的特点:大国关系影响下的中南亚地缘政治乍暖还寒;
Geostrategic value is the power of China and South Korea to maintain friendly cooperation relation; safeguard national interests between the two countries is the fundamental starting point; Cooperation and Mutual Assistance can maintain the balance of power of the Northeast Asian region. 双方友好的原因在于:地缘战略价值是中韩维持友好合作的动力;维护国家利益是两国关系根本出发点;而双方友好互助又能维护东北亚地区力量均衡。
Because of the special important geostrategic condition, China western region has become the important part for the Chinese nation to stabilize and develop at long – term. 中国西部特别重要的地缘战略条件,使得西部地区成为中华民族社会政治经济长期稳定发展的一个重要组成部分。