Fenton was a good listener, and his questions were germane. 芬顿听得聚精会神,提问也切中要害。
I'll also skip showing the DAO classes using the CallableStatement JDBC code so I can focus on the code that's most germane to this strategy. 这里还跳过了使用CallableStatementJDBC代码的DAO类,这样可以将精力集中到与此策略关系最密切的代码。
There's a layer of indirection between roles as used in code and roles as surfaced to deployment, but it's not germane to this discussion. 代码中使用的角色和部署中公开的角色之间有一个间接层,但是它与本文关系不大。
Historically,/ usr/ local has been used to store applications and data that originate or are germane solely to your site. 在历史上,曾将/usr/local用于存储来自于您的站点或者仅与您的站点有密切关系的应用程序和数据。
Other environment variables are germane to individual utilities. 其他环境变量与不同的实用程序有关。
But Big Eyes raises a set of questions that seem to me especially germane to this era of Twitter and Instagram and indefatigable branding and unabashed self-promotion. 但《大眼睛》提出了一系列问题。在我看来,这些问题与这个有着Twitter、Instagram、坚持不懈的包装和不加掩饰的自我推销的时代密切相关。
It is clearly not germane to present-day conditions. 这显然与当前的情况无关。
When in doubt as to whether or not your review is germane to the subject, contact a moderator directly for approval before you write your report. 当你犹豫你的测评是否与与主题相关时,在你写报告之前联络一个仲裁者获得批准。
And so, in the real world frankly, these kinds of questions, how much time is this gonna take is certainly germane. 但在现实世界中,不同种类的问题,所花费的时间是不同的。
A checklist should be developed that is broad based but also germane to the product line of the manufacturer. 所建立的清单应该范围广泛,但是也需要切合制造商生产线的实际情况。
I don't think that question is really germane. 我认为那个问题不是至关重要。
Germane to my talk at this meeting, in some situations, diabetes may lower VEGF levels and in other situations it may paradoxically increase VEGF levels. 与我本次会议上的演讲密切有关,在某些情况下,糖尿病可能降低VEGF水平,而在其他情况下它可能自相矛盾地升高VEGF水平。
The Effect of Increasing Germane Cognitive Load in Multimedia Learning to Students 'Learning 多媒体学习中增加相关认知负荷影响学生学习的实验研究
The fact is not germane to this issue. 此事实与此问题无密切关系。
Finally, let me address an issue you raised in an earlier letter that is also germane at this point. 最后,让我回答你先前发信提及的一个相关问题。
He asks questions that are germane and central to the issue. 他问了一些与论点有密切关系的重要问题。
Four ultimate concerns, to my view, are highly germane to psychotherapy: death, isolation, meaning in life, and freedom. 在我看来,四种终极关切与心理治疗密切相关:死亡、孤独、生命的意义和自由。
But the Justice Department, in its appeal Tuesday, called the funding condition "highly germane" to the overall goal of fighting the spread of AIDS and HIV. 不过星期二司法部在它的裁决中称基金会的情况和抗击AIDS和HIV蔓延的总体目标保持高度一致。
He, too, growled, savagely, terribly, voicing the fear that is to life germane and that lies twisted about life's deepest roots. 他也凶猛而可怕地吼叫。吼叫声中表现出对有关生死的恐惧。这种恐惧死缠在生命的最深处。
"Among the many interpretations of this term, the one that is perhaps most germane to our text is" she who enjoys the expanse of Emptiness-that is, who has attained higher illumination. 在这个词的多种解释中,有一种解释也许和我们书中的内容关系最密切:“喜欢大空的她”,即她已经达到更高的觉悟。
They also want to require that those amendments be germane to the underlying farm bill. 他们还希望规定修订内容必须与基本的农业法案密切相关。
Remarks that are germane to the discussion. 与讨论有关的言语。
And this one will be particularly germane to a portion of Problem Set1, at least in Problem Set1. 这个程序跟习题集1中的,一部分比较相似,至少在习题1中。
Now this is not the kind of stuff that computer scientists spend all their time doing, but it will germane. 现在,这并不是计算机科学家,要花费全部时间的地方,不过与此密切相关。
The statement was germane to the argument. 这陈述与讨论相符。
I shall withhold information that is germane to the situation if it is possible for me or my direct supervisor to obtain personal gain. 我应扣压资料是有密切关系的情况,如果有可能给我看,还是我的直接上司,以获取私利。
The following are a few research questions that seem especially germane to each of these areas. 以下的几个研究的问题正好与这些方面有著很密切的联系。
Martin Buber, a famous Germane Philosopher in modern times, re explored and re elucidated oriental cultures with his unique way of dialogue philosophy. 德国现代著名哲学家马丁·布伯运用其独特的对话哲学的方法,对东方文化进行了重新发掘和阐发。
Writing ability refers to the ability of describing things and events, expressing feelings and thoughts, exchanging information and messages in germane and grammatical language also in the felicitous form and formula. 写作能力指使用适切的语言、语法化的句子和恰当的语篇体式来描写事物,叙述事件,表达思想情感和交流信息的书面能力。
From the perspective of cognitive load, learner-generated drawing promotes learning by increasing germane cognitive load. 从认知负荷角度来看图画生成增加了有效认知负荷,同样也能提高学习效果。