When humans switched to meat-eating, they triggered a genetic change that enabled better processing of fats, said Stanford, who has worked extensively with gerontologist Caleb Finch of USC. 当人类开始吃肉以后,其身体也随之发生了一系列的遗传变化。其中重要的一点即是人们能够更好地处理食物中的脂肪和胆固醇。
'It's time to break out of our denial about aging,'said Aubrey de Grey, a British gerontologist who has drawn controversy for his suggestions on how to forestall death. 英国老年医学研究专家奥布里•德格雷(AubreydeGrey)表示,是时候突破人类关于衰老的自我否定了。德格雷对于如何延缓死亡的提议曾引起广泛的争议。
Alfred Chan, a gerontologist who is the commission chairman, says the government has made the guarantee that the same services planned for everyone should remain the same. 老年学家陈章明(AlfredChan)是安老事务委员会主席。他表示,香港政府已经做出保证,计划向每一个人提供的同等服务将保持不变。
With the epistemological advance in field of aging research, the gerontologist has recognized that the aging mechanism is a negative and stochastic process rather than active or programmed one. 随着衰老研究的深入,研究者们对衰老的认识经历了由主动衰老→被动衰老,由程序性死亡→随机损伤积累的过程;