Holly Kennedy: What if this is it, Gerry? 霍莉·肯尼迪:如果就是这样怎么办,格里?
By following these rules, Gerry and I have saved thousands of dollars in car-related costs over the past two decades. 由于恪守这些法则,在过去二十年里,格里和我在汽车相关的成本上节省了数千美元。
Gerry Kennedy: Because you can't sing without making dogs bark? 格里肯尼迪:也许是由于你的歌声老是惊吓到狗,让它们不断地吠叫?
Gerry is less likely to be bothered by repair problems. 格里对修理问题不像我这么在意。
Gerry and I live in New Jersey, where insurance costs are steep. 格里和我住在汽车保险费用奇高的新泽西州。
There are major differences between us in most key areas, said Gerry Rice, IMF spokesman. IMF发言人格里赖斯(GerryRice)表示:我们之间在多数关键领域存在重大分歧。
The breakthrough, announced Monday in Belfast, came after the first face-to-face talks between hardline Protestant leader Ian Paisley and Catholic Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams. 星期一在贝尔法斯特宣布这项突破性协议之前,强硬派的新教领导人佩斯里和天主教新芬党领袖亚当斯举行了首次面对面的谈判。
Gerry Thomas, a specialist in thyroid cancer at Imperial College London, who also conducted research on health effects of the 1992 Chernobyl accident, told reporters in Tokyo the worries were disproportionate. 格里·托马斯,伦敦帝国理工学院的甲状腺癌专家,他也研究1992年切尔诺贝利事故对健康的影响,告诉记者人们担忧过度了。
But Gerry Grimstone, the chairman of Standard Life, the UK insurer whose Chinese headquarters sits in Tianjin, is convinced that Britain and other developed nations can learn the lessons, too. 但英国保险公司标准人寿(StandardLife)的董事长格里•格里姆斯通(GerryGrimstone)确信,英国和其他发达国家也可以从中学习经验。标准人寿在中国的总部位于天津。
Gerry was gone and he would never be back. That was the reality. 盖里已经走了,再也回不来了,这是无法逃避的现实。
Holly: I don't want to make any mistakes, Gerry. 霍莉:我不想出任何差错,盖瑞。
Gerry and Linda don't know many people. 盖瑞和琳达认识的人不多。
It's odds-on that gerry'll miss the meeting again. 格里很可能又无法出席这次会议。
Holly Kennedy: Dear Gerry, you said you wanted me to fall in love again, and maybe one day I will. 亲爱的杰瑞:你说过希望我能再度恋爱,也许有一天我会的吧。
It's not just in speech that humans count on being able to predict what's going to happen next, said Gerry Altmann, a professor of psychology at the University of York in England. 人类可以预测接下来将发生什么的能力不仅仅依赖于讲演,格里·阿尔特曼说。他是英国约克大学的心理学教授。
Would you come with me, please? Excuse us, gerry. 请跟我来一下,失陪了,杰里。
If you want Gerry and saddest moon to stay, raise your hands. 要留裘利和悲月的举手。
Gerry: Well I took her out to dinner and she spent half the time texting her girlfriends on her mobile. 格里:我邀她去吃晚饭,她却有一半时间用行动电话和女朋友传简讯。
Tell Gerry Conlon like you said you would. 对康龙说你想说的话。
No gerry, that's miles too expensive! 不,盖利,那太贵了!
Gerry: I got really fed up with Anna last weekend. 格里:上个周末,安娜真令我非常不满。
He had been suffering from heart problems, manager and publisher Gerry Newhouse told AFP. 经纪人兼出版商纽豪斯告诉法新社,他一直受心脏病的折磨。
I'll be able to help out Gerry while I'm in here. 我在里面可以帮助裘利。
What can I say? I don't think Gerry Hutch is into drugs. 我能说什么?我不认为格里•哈奇涉及毒品交易。
I've no time for Gerry since he insulted my girlfriend. 我讨厌格里,因为他侮辱过我的女朋友。
Gerry: Yeah, but you can have all the champagnenyou want. 盖瑞:是的,但是香槟可以无限畅饮。
Gerry: Well, I am the only man you ever had. 盖瑞:说错了吗?我可是你拥有过的惟一的男人。
Gerry: That's not a bad idea. Can you reverse charges on a mobile? 麦克斯:这主意不错。你能把打出和接听电话的费用倒转过来吗?
Gerry: Oh! Congratulations! May I have your names, please? 盖瑞:喔!恭喜!请告诉我你们的姓名。