The classification of negotiorum gestio can help us correctly understand and grasp its concept and thus tell the real negotiorum gestio from the false one. 对无因管理进行类型划分,有助于正确理解和把握无因管理的内涵,从而有助于正确识别真假“无因管理”。
This principle is mainly applied to two kinds of situations: negotiorum gestio and donation, and principle of waiver and estoppel. 该原则的适用主要有以下两种情形:(一)无因管理与赠与;(二)弃权和禁止反言。
At first, it introduces and states the historical development and the innovation of Negotiorum gestio, and also discusses its definition, legal natures, target, as well as its social significance and functions. 文章首先就无因管理制度的历史发展沿革以及无因管理的概念、法律性质、标的及其意义与功能进行了阐述,接着分析比较了两大法系国家各自在无因管理制度上的立法例。
New Viewpoints of Application of Negotiorum Gestio in Conflict of Law 国际私法上无因管理法律适用新探
Probe into the Application of Law of Negotiorum Gestio 无因管理的法律适用规则探究
On the System of Negotiorum Gestio 无因管理制度研究
Compared with tort and contract, the conflict of the laws of negotiorum gestio is far more serious. 与侵权、合同相比,无因管理的法律冲突问题远为严重,因此,设计一组切实可行的冲突规则以调整无因管理之债,极具必要性。
This article first surveys the substantive law of negotiorum gestio in major countries and then summarizes the modes of the existing conflict rules. 本文先以比较法为视角,分析了两大法系主要国家的无因管理制度,再对各国无因管理的法律适用模式进行了总结与评述。
The paper presents that lawmaking for upholding justice, which belongs to the category of negotiorum gestio, should be embodied and strengthened in the system of negotiorum gestio. 见义勇为应属于无因管理的范畴,立法上应该借鉴和体现无因管理制度,加强见义勇为立法。
Again, I analyse the return of property in negotiorum gestio system. The right to request can be incorporated into the Claim of right in rem or the restitution of unjust enrichment claim to analysis. 再次,分析了无因管理制度中的返还财产,这类返还请求权可以纳入到物权返还请求权或者是不当得利返还请求权中去分析。
Quasi contract is not a strange expression for students who focus on civil law. Quasi contract is generally interpreted as negotiorum gestio and unjust enrichment in our country. 对于民法学习者来说,“quasicontract”一词并不陌生,我国法学界对于准契约的论述几乎都将其解释为无因管理和不当得利。
Therefore, beneficiaries should be allowed to apply appropriate negotiorum gestio to require all of the benefits. 因此,应允许本人准用适法无因管理的规定,使本人取得全部利益。
Negotiorum gestio which originated in Roman law, has played an important role in promoting the morality of helping others, balancing the interests between managers and beneficiaries and elevating the overall economic value. 无因管理自缘起于罗马法以来,对弘扬助人为乐的道德风尚、合理平衡管理人和本人的利益,推动社会整体经济价值的提升发挥着重要的作用。
If we want to promote the culture of helping others, it is necessary to improve the existing negotiorum gestio system so that it can play a full role of balancing the interests between managers and beneficiaries. 而从法律层面看,倡扬乐于助人的良好风气需完善现有的无因管理制度,充分发挥其平衡管理人和本人(也称受益人)之间的利益冲突进而促进助人为乐风气形成的作用。
Negotiorum gestio is defined as the management of the affairs of others without legal or contractual obligation in order to avoid losses of the interests of others. 无因管理是指没有法定或约定义务,为避免他人利益受损失而对他人事务进行管理。
The nature of the finding is defined as Negotiorum Gestio. 介绍了拾得的定义和性质,确定拾得的无因管理的性质。
Negotiorum gestio and unauthorized agency are different in the nature, the parties, the main regulatory contents and the "meaning". 关于无因管理与无权代理,二者的性质、当事人、主要规制内容、效力、意思不同。
As to the types of negotiorum gestio, first of all, negotiorum gestio in this paper refers to the real negotiorum gestio, which meets the above constituent elements. 关于无因管理的类型,首先,本文所指的无因管理是指真正无因管理,即符合上述构成要件的无因管理。