This can be used to generate Java code that maps any message into a regular Java object with getters and setters. 可以将这用于生成Java代码,以将任何消息映射到具有getter和setter的常规Java对象中。
You can then see whether the getter method is returning the correct button. 您可以看到getter方法是否返回正确的按钮。
First you define a HelloWorld class with a single String field named text and the getter method getText(). 首先定义一个HelloWorld类,只有一个String字段,名为text,还有getter方法,名为getText()。
Take a look at the generated code, and notice that the getter and setter methods for ID ( getID and setID) and name ( getName and setName), as well as a validate method, have been created. 看一下生成的代码,您会看到其中已经创建了ID的getter和setter方法(getID和setID)、name的getter和setter方法(getName和setName)以及一个validate方法。
I've also left out the constructors, setters, and getters for now. 另外,现在我也忽略构造函数、setter和getter。
Although getter and setter methods are provided for these fields, they are never actually used in the auditing code. 尽管为这些字段提供了getter和setter方法,但是审计代码中实际上不使用这些方法。
Setter and getter methods are two methods that must be provided. Setter和getter方法是必须提供的两个方法。
You must have a setter and getter method for network-transfer fields 您必须具有用于网络传输字段的setter和getter方法
By using getter and setter methods, the Action class will save the user values onto the ValueStack. 通过使用getter和setter方法,Action方法将把用户值保存到ValueStack中。
I have added a setter and getter for the e-mail address for the framework to access. 我已为电子邮件地址添加了一个写方法和读方法,以供框架访问。
The Struts system will generate a pair of getter and setter methods for each form property in the form bean class. Struts系统会在Formbean类中为每个表单属性生成一对getter方法和setter方法。
The mapping can be implemented by creating your own getter and setter methods. 可以通过创建自己的获取器和设置器方法来实现映射。
Using unit test methods to test every getter method is recommended. 推荐使用单元测试方法来测试每个getter方法。
Lombok follows the traditional standard when generating the getter/ setter methods. 在生成getter/setter方法时,Lombok遵从传统的标准。
It also generates getters for the attributes defined& in this case, uom and amount. 它还为定义的属性(在这里就是uom和amount)生成getter方法。
It's not there because I didn't provide the name field with the getter and setter method. 它不在这里,因为我没有通过getter和setter方法提供name字段。
In the dialog, enter names for the getter and setter methods& as you might expect, these are getMake() and setMake() by default. 在弹出的对话框中输入getter和setter方法的名称&如您所料,缺省的方法名称分别是getMake()和setMake()。
Note that this is only a partial listing of the class; some helper methods and the getters and setters have been omitted. 注意,这个清单仅是该类的一部分;省略了一些helper、getter和setter函数。
Because getter methods are invoked many, many times during a typical execution of the JSF life cycle. 因为在典型的JSF执行生命周期中,会多次调用getter方法。
Each of the properties are in lowercase and they all have getters and setters according to the bean specification. 每个属性都是由小写字母组成,并且根据bean的规范,所有属性都有获取方法(getter)和设置方法(setter)。
This is because the special getter/ setter methods are the only ones actually coded. 这是因为只有这些特殊的getter/setter方法是需要被实际编码的。
Most of this is just boilerplate code: several fields with getters and setters. 这段代码的大部分都是样本文件代码:几个字段和一些getter和setter方法。
No getter and setter methods are required for the fields of the class to be serialized/ deserialized. 序列化/逆序列化类的字段不需要getter和setter方法。
There are additional array attributes ( not just getters and setters). 出现了附加的数组属性(不再只有getter和setter)。
This App class exposes setter and getter methods to set and retrieve the corresponding Config class as needed. 这个App类公开setter和getter方法,以在需要时设置和检索对应的Config类。
Now, suppose you have a Java bean with a special requirement for one of your getters. 现在,假设有一个Javabean对您的一个getter具有特殊要求。
The anode and grid loops are tantalum which has excellent getter properties. 阳极和格子环是有优良的获取人财产的金属元素。
They can be added to bean, field, getter method, or even a graph of objects. 校验逻辑可以被增加进bean、域、getter方法、甚至是对象图中(agraphofobjects)。
Various aspects of building classes such as getter and setters, different property types as well as class methods. 构建类的许多方面,例如getter和setter,不同的属性类型和类方法等都被提及。
By default the Scala compiler does not generate getters and setters that comply with the JavaBeans convention. 默认情况下,Scala编译器并不会生成符合JavaBean约定的getter和setter方法。