Many Ghanaians are adept drummers, and it is not unusual to hear traditional drum ensembles play at social events or performances. 许多加纳人是熟练的鼓手,经常可以在社会活动或演出中听到传统的打鼓表演。
Innovation and higher prices are what young Ghanaians say might entice them into cocoa farming something that Cadbury says is essential if the industry is to survive. 年轻的加纳人表示,革新和较高的价格可能会吸引他们从事可可农工作吉百利表示,如果这个行业要生存,这一点是必须的。
Looking at Ghanaians who had returned to start businesses, the centre found that few of the returnees had even heard of the government support available. 看看那些回国创业的加纳人,该中心发现,大多数归国人员连听都没听说过政府现行的支持政策。
The Ghanaians celebrated their defeat late into the night. 加纳球迷直到深夜仍在庆祝他们的胜利。
Ghanaian officials say the growing presence of Chinese miners has become a real national challenge as small-scale illegal mining by both Chinese and Ghanaians has spread across the country. 加纳官员们表示,中国矿工越来越多,已成为国家面临的一个真正挑战。目前中国人和加纳人的小规模非法采矿活动正蔓延到加纳全国各地。
Ghanaian authorities often view illegal mining activities with "one eye closed, and one eye open," he said, because "many Ghanaians are also participating." 她表示,加纳官方往往对非法采矿活动“睁一只眼,闭一只眼,”因为“很多加纳人也参与其中。”
Midfield dynamo Essien was one of several key players to miss out on the African Nations Cup in January through injury, as the Ghanaians were knocked out in the first round. 中场核心艾辛是因伤缺席1月的非洲杯的重要球员之一,结果加纳队在第一轮就惨遭淘汰。
By law, only Ghanaians are allowed to obtain mining licences for small-scale operations and to do the work. 根照加纳法律,只有加纳人才能获得小规模作业的采矿执照,也只有加纳人才允许从事此类工作。
The Ghanaians took part from a distance learning center in Accra. 加纳人参加了位于阿克拉的远程中心。
I want to assure all Ghanaians that I will be president for all. 我想告诉所有的加纳人,我将负责所有的总统。
The Bushes visited an international school and a U.S.-funded center that provides job training to Ghanaians. 布希总统夫妇星期三访问了迦纳的一个国际学校以及一个由美国资助为迦纳人提供的职业培训中心。