It also offered online email, contacts and calendar, online photo galleries, syncing of Web bookmarks and20 gigabytes of online storage. 该公司还推出了网上电子邮件、联系人和日程表、网上相册、网络书签同步功能以及20G的网上存储空间。
Also, the company deals with gigabytes of data accessed by various internal and external applications. 另外,公司需要处理由各种内部和外部应用程序访问的数千兆字节数据。
Specify the size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes. 以字节、KB、MB、GB或TB为单位指定大小。
You need to know two things: the size of your image ( in gigabytes) and the availability zone in which you want to use the image. 您需要知道两件事:您的镜像的大小(千兆字节为单位)和您想要在其中使用镜像的可用性区域。
In2008, the Roadrunner parallel storage system can sustain hundreds of gigabytes per second. 在2008年,Roadrunner并行存储系统能够维持数百GB每秒的速率。
This is vital for large disks, where a10 percent buffer could equal many gigabytes of potential space. 对于大容量磁盘来说,这是至关重要的,因为其中百分之十的缓冲区可能等于许多个GB的潜在空间。
By default the display is in kilobytes, but you can override this using-b for bytes,-k for kilobytes,-m for megabytes, or-g for gigabytes. 默认情况下,使用的单位为千字节,但您可以使用选项-b替换为字节,使用-k替换为千字节,使用-m替换为兆字节,或使用-g替换为千兆字节。
The recent explosion of information has spawned many new technologies that help digest all these gigabytes. 当前的信息爆炸已经促使许多新技术产生了,以帮助消化所有这些上千兆字节的数据。
They can make the difference between a successful data warehouse and a "data garbage dump," where gigabytes of data are stored but unusable. 这就区分了成功的数据仓库和“数据垃圾堆”,那里存储着大量的无用数据。
The command output was shortened for brevity, but you can see that tank is displayed with almost six gigabytes and already mounted at the root level of the file system. 为了简便起见,我们缩短了命令输出,但您可以看见,显示tank几乎占用了六千兆字节,并且该命令装载在文件系统的root级别上。
If your building blueprint graphic is very large or you intend to map an enormous quantity of data points, you may require the latest multicore processor and several gigabytes of RAM. 如果建筑物设计图非常大或者需要映射非常大量的数据点,则有可能需要使用最新的多核处理器和几个GB的内存。
Knowing how to effectively store binaries in Subversion can save hundreds of hours of team members'time and gigabytes of server space. 如果知道如何有效地将二进制文件存储到Subversion中,就可以节省小组成员数百个小时的时间和以千兆计的服务器空间。
The ext file system was the first to use the virtual file system ( VFS) switch implemented in the0.96c kernel and supported file systems up to2 gigabytes ( GB) in size. ext1文件系统是第一个使用虚拟文件系统(VFS)交换的文件系统。虚拟文件系统交换是在0.96c内核中实现的,支持的最大文件系统为2GB。
Hosting several gigabytes of data in the JVM heaps of a small number of execution groups is not recommended. 不推荐在少量执行组的JVM堆中托管几GB的数据。
The new file nodes allow files which are Gigabytes in size to be processed. 新文件节点允许处理大小为千兆字节的文件。
For just pennies, you can store and have Amazon host gigabytes of any type of data you want. 只需花费很少费用,您就可以在Amazon上托管和存储数十亿字节任何类型的数据。
I usually add the-h flag so that I can see the output in gigabytes or megabytes. 我总是添加-h标记,以便看到以十亿字节或兆字节为单位的输出。
For example, you can change quantities in the heap, which are shown in megabytes by default, to gigabytes or to a percentage of the total heap. 例如,您可以将堆的数量(默认情况下以兆字节为单位进行显示)更改为千兆字节或更改为总堆的百分比。
He hopes to boost that figure to ten gigabytes by finding a better-performing variety of the protein. 他希望通过找到一种性能更好的蛋白质把这个数字提高到100亿字节。
The Watch comes with 8 gigabytes of storage, Apple representatives told me. 苹果公司的代表告诉我,苹果手表自带8G内存。
Yes, I took gigabytes of boring photos of me sitting in front of a computer at work. 没错,我拍了大量自己坐在电脑前工作的无聊照片。
Using View Folder Size you can view file and folder sizes in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. 使用查看文件夹大小,您可以查看文件和文件夹大小的字节,千字节,兆字节和千兆字节。
I may not want to do the full range of this, but I may decide I have to use a lot of gigabytes of space in order to do a trade off. 哈希成一个整数,我不想完整的去做这件事,但是我可以想像我需要用许多G的空间,去完成空间和时间之间的权衡。
RAM I mean you might have two gigabytes of RAM. 你可能有两G的。
You may experience lack of free space, while there may be gigabytes of unnecessary duplicates. 您可能会遇到的可用空间不足,而有可能是不必要的重复千兆字节。