The exhibition is informative, up to date, and mercifully free of gimmicks. 这个展览既能让人增长见识,又紧跟时代前沿,而且幸运的是没有华而不实的东西。
He is full of gimmicks. 他很有手腕儿。
If you start by producing a standard CV then you will be sure to have the basics right; get the content right before focusing on the design. The content and the presentation are more important than design gimmicks. 假如你打算制作标准型简历,那一定要保证基本的东西是对的:在设计之前要先确保内容正确,内容和展示文稿比设计噱头更加重要。
If you want a problem solved, beware politicians bearing gimmicks. 如果你希望问题得到解决,就要小心那些玩弄花招的政客。
In a December update, Koum said his company's focus was on messaging and only messaging& no games, no advertising, no gimmicks. 在去年12月公布最新数据时,库姆说,他的公司关注的是消息,也只有消息,不是游戏,不是广告,不是华而不实的东西。
Some TV technologies like 3-D have turned out to be gimmicks. 3D等一些TV电视技术最后变成了噱头。
Well-worn horror tropes also have provided a laundry list of gimmicks filmmakers need to work around& or use to misdirect audiences anew. 已经被用滥的恐怖手法也提供了一长串电影导演需绕开或者用来重新误导观众的招数。
By this, I mean they use too many gimmicks, have too much color and generally overwhelm the viewer. 这,我的意思是,他们使用太多的噱头,也有许多颜色和一般风靡观众。
I developed a system for sharing sales gimmicks that worked. 我建立了一套制度,让所有业务员共享行之有效的销售策略。
I don't trust fancy gimmicks in cars. 我觉得汽车上一些别出心裁的小玩意靠不住。
As Paul Johnson, director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, has also noted, a tax system devoid of principles and rife with gimmicks is unpredictable and so a source of damaging uncertainty. 伦敦财政研究所(instituteforfiscalstudies)所长保罗约翰逊(pauljohnson)也指出,一套缺乏原则、充满欺骗的税收体制是不可预测的,因此也造成了具有破坏性的不确定性。
My advice to job seekers is to stop with the tricks and gimmicks and figure out ways to show your value. 我对求职者们的建议是停止这些噱头、把戏,想办法展现你的价值。
The party has not only muddied its message but has also cluttered its political programme with gimmicks. 这个政党不仅使它的主旨显得扑朔迷离,而且让各种花招充斥它的政治纲领。
IT industry is lacking in original ideas: today's science and technology is more about hype, marketing campaigns and gimmicks than before. 信息技术产业缺乏创新思路:今天的科技比以前更注重大肆宣传、促销活动和噱头。
We don't use gimmicks to sell our products. 我们销售产品不搞什么噱头。
Among the gimmicks in last night's live act were holograms and a revolving stage. 昨晚现场演出中的新奇玩意包括全息图和旋转舞台。
A perfectly rendered reality TV show atmosphere, reusing all the gimmicks of the genre! 完全变得现实电视节目氛围,重用所有噱头的体裁!
No sleeves, pulls, shells, magnets, or gimmicks of any kind. 没有袖子、任何的掩护、磁铁或秘密装置。
He didn't favor trends or gimmicks. 他不喜欢流行趋势和噱头。
Pick-up lines, language patterns, verbal tricks and gimmicks are NOT enough to get laid in general. 搭讪路线,语言模式,话术和诡计(gimmick)一般情况下不足以SC。
There are many satanic gimmicks, which deceptively present only part of the truth, and they are always bestsellers, because Satan knows that undiscerning people always gravitate toward evil. 撒旦的诡计有很多,其手法是只讲出部分真理,并且他们往往是最畅销的,因为撒旦知道没有辨别能力的人们总是容易堕向邪恶。
They sound more like Mission Impossible and Star Trek gimmicks than weapons. 它们听上去象是一个不可能的任务和星际旅行中的小机关而不是武器。
A flashy expensive car with all sorts of gimmicks like self-winding windows. 装置有各式小革新如自动升降窗的豪华昂贵汽车。
During their height, drive-ins used attention-grabbing gimmicks to entice even more people to become patrons. 在他们的身高,驱动程式使用注意抢占噱头,以吸引更多的人成为顾客。
However these are just marketing gimmicks that propagate the myth. 然而这些只是噱头的营销传播的神话。
By including likely future costs, it moves to a new system of upfront accounting that moves away from the alleged "gimmicks and sleight-of-hand accounting" of the Bush years. 通过将可能的未来成本涵盖在内,奥巴马的预算草案从所称的布什年代“耍花招、玩诡计的会计方法”转向了“提前会计”的新体系。
By focusing on your skills rather than gimmicks, you also won't have to worry about offending people who celebrate different holidays. 将求职重点放在你的技能上而不是耍小聪明上,另外,你也不想冒犯那些庆祝的节日不同的人。
The company, insisted its president, was about technological innovation, not gimmicks. 总裁坚持说,公司是研究技术革新,而不是玩花招。
You can say these are just gimmicks, but what about the ambience? 你会说这些只是一些噱头,但是它的大空间怎么样?
But now there's evidence that those colors may be more than just marketing gimmicks. 但现在有证据表明那些颜色可不只是营销的噱头。