ADJ-GRADED 作噱头的;故意引人关注的 If you describe something as gimmicky, you think it has features which are not necessary or useful, and whose only purpose is to attract attention or publicity.
The campaign was gimmicky, but it had a serious side to it. 这次运动虽然大搞噱头,但也有其严肃的一面。
The campaign was gimmicky, but it had a serious side to it. 这次运动虽然大搞噱头,但也有其严肃的一面。
It's that 70% of the people come back to the site everyday and making sure that that remains, not just because we're doing some gimmicky things. 就是有70%的人每天都来登录,并且要保持这一水平,不靠噱头和花招。
The survey results provide a gimmicky glimpse into cultural psyches in the G-2 nations. 这两项调查结果可以巧妙地让人管窥到美中两国的文化气质。
And it is far too gimmicky for something as simple as getting from one floor to another in the way that God, surely, intended. 另外,以爬楼梯这种无疑十分天然的方式从一层到达另一层,是一种再简单不过的活动,冠以这种名称太过花哨。
The production was rather gimmicky. 这种产品相当有噱头。
A gimmicky or imbalanced team relies on one powerful tactic to win. 投机取巧的团队依靠单一的强力战术制胜。
There are so many dubious websites out there offering gimmicky, free software or things like screensavers and wallpapers. 所献的有噱头,免费软件或类似屏保和壁纸的东西有这么多的可疑网站。
We are not about color palettes and gimmicky technology. 我们不是在做调色板和“花哨科技”。
Some gestures are small and gimmicky. 一些姿态是小而巧妙的。
Construction on Teaching Staff of Higher Vocational Institute Based on the Competency A gimmicky or imbalanced team relies on one powerful tactic to win. 基于胜任力的高职院校师资队伍建设投机取巧的团队依靠单一的强力战术制胜。
Most of his proposals, including a slightly lower tax rate for domestic manufacturers, looked gimmicky and stood no chance of enactment before 2013. 奥巴马的多数提议,包括小幅降低国内制造业企业的税率,看上去都有些华而不实,而且不可能在2013年之前实施。
Good ideas become standard, gimmicky ones die quickly. 好的主意变成规范,骗人的玩意儿则很快完蛋。
Weekly rewards, such as choosing a Friday night restaurant, seem gimmicky. 而每周一次的奖励,比如在周五晚上去一家餐馆进餐,看着也像是在忽悠人。
In the same way as Lamborghini will always produce fewer cars than the demand, we will always guard against the appearance of flooding a market, or of producing gimmicky or poor quality products, says Mr Winkelmann. 正如兰博基尼制造的车永远会少于需求一样,我们也会始终提防充斥市场或者制造骗人劣质产品的形象,温克尔曼先生表示。
The state's non-partisan legislative analyst, Mac Taylor, has now given the lie to the gimmicky budget the governor, Jerry Brown, and the legislature agreed to in June. 该州无党派立法分析师马克·泰勒,揭穿了加州州长杰里布朗和立法机构于六月份通过的花哨的预算。
I find that most of the time there are too many brushes to choose from, and most of them are just plain gimmicky. 我发现大多数时候,笔刷的选择太多了,它们大多是一些小花招。