For its software, Amazon took a version of Google's ( GOOG) Android operating system ( for the hardcore, codenamed "Gingerbread") and built a new user interface dominated by grays and orange. 软件方面,亚马逊为Fire选用了谷歌(Google)的Android操作系统(其内核代号为“姜饼”)并创建了以灰色和橙色为主的全新用户界面。
But I have had too many questions about making gingerbread to ignore the requests. 但是,我有太多做姜饼的疑问,不能忽视自身的内心需求。
The gingerbread smells delicious, and when it is warmed by the Christmas lights, it's natural aromatherapy. 圣诞彩灯通电后,被灯光照得暖暖的姜饼闻起来很美味。
Ice the gingerbread cookies and decorate as you will. 给姜饼上糖霜,想画什么装饰都行。
She spent hours with my brothers and me, making gingerbread houses or sledding or cutting out paper snowflakes. 她花了很多时间和我和哥哥在一起,做姜饼屋,滑雪橇还有剪纸雪花。
If you are using the gingerbread as decor for the Christmas tree, you need to make a little hole in the cookies so you can hang them up. 如果你要用姜饼装饰圣诞树,你需要在饼干上穿一个小洞,这样一来就可以往圣诞树上挂了。
Better to use gingerbread as Christmas tree decorations. 最好还是用姜饼来装饰圣诞树吧。
It seems a rather bewildering choice, since the gingerbread house always triggers memories of the horrific tale of Hansel and Gretel, who were lured into a witch's den precisely because it was a gingerbread cottage decorated with candies. 姜饼屋总使人想起童话故事《汉塞尔和格丽塔尔》(HanselandGretel)中的恐怖情节,姐弟俩就是因为看到了装饰糖果的姜饼小屋而被引诱到了女巫的小屋。
To Pauline D. Loh, nothing spells festive like the spicy scent of gingerbread baking. 对于PaulineD.Loh而言,没有什么比烤姜饼飘出的辛香味道更有节日氛围了。
I always have a few gingerbread bones decorated for my French bulldogs every year, too. 我每年也会给我的法国斗牛犬做点骨头形状的姜饼。
Personally, I love gingerbread. 我本人喜欢姜饼。
Characters from fairytales around the world peopled my own childhood, including a cheeky runaway gingerbread boy who got eaten by a fox before he got too far away. 童话世界里的人物充斥着我的童年,有一个故事中,一个莽撞的姜饼小男孩从房子里逃跑出去,还没有跑得很远就被一只狐狸吃掉了。
I have since taught many children the joys of making gingerbread, including my vast menagerie of godchildren. 我教许多孩子做姜饼,让他们体会做姜饼的乐趣,我的一群教子也是跟我学做的姜饼。
This is the second year I am writing about gingerbread, breaking my own unwritten rule about not repeating recipes. 这是我第二次写有关做姜饼的菜谱了,打破了自己不重复推荐菜谱这一不成文的规定。
Levels had gone down only in crackers, baby biscuits and gingerbread. 只有咸饼干,婴儿饼干和姜饼的丙烯酰胺含量有下降。
You can't catch me. I'm the gingerbread man! 你抓不到我,我是个姜饼人!
Have you read the story of the gingerbread man? 你读过姜饼人的故事吗?
Around Christmas time this candy is a key ingredient in making gingerbread houses. 圣诞节的时候这种糖果总会成为装饰房屋好坏的关键。
House might as well be made out of gingerbread. 这房子说不定还是用姜饼搭建的呢。
Gingerbread cookies are one favorite and are often fashioned into special shapes such as Christmas trees and little Santas. 姜饼是大家的最爱,通常会流行做成像耶诞树和耶诞老公公等的形状。
She brought me some warm wine and gingerbread, and appeared exceedingly good-natured; 她给我拿来一点温热的酒和姜饼,而且表现得非常和气;
For desert there's coffee, gingerbread cookies and plum pudding. 至于甜点方面,包括了咖啡、姜饼和干果布丁。
I wouldn't go halves in the toffee and gingerbread on purpose to save the money. 为了把钱省下来,我不肯把太妃糖和甜饼分给别人。
Heat it in the oven, you get a Gingerbread man. 放进烤箱里,就有一个姜饼人。
Girl: This is for you, gingerbread man. 这个是给你的,姜饼人。
You can bake a goddamn Gingerbread house. 你可以烤那该死的饼。
I thought maybe we could make gingerbread houses. 我们搭个华丽的房子。
Have you ever seen a gingerbread house? Do you know where gingerbread houses come from? 你曾看过姜饼屋吗?你知道姜饼屋的由来吗?
Look like a gingerbread man. 像一个华而不实的男人。
One of my colleagues likes to eat gingerbread nut. 我的一个同事喜欢吃姜汁饼干。