The old town centre is girdled by a boulevard lined with trees. 一条林阴大道环绕古城的中心。
They girdled green fields round a town. 这个城市周围是一片绿野。
The palace was girdled around with tall trees. 高大的树木环抱着王宫。
The tiny tropical island was girdled about with a coral reef. I showed you an empty key as an example. 那个热带小岛四周有珊瑚礁环绕。我把一个荒无人烟的礁岛拿来做例子。
The city is girdled about with gently rolling hills. 该市为平缓起伏的丘陵所围绕著。
The number of wireless networks, including public hotspots and business systems, grew by 160 per cent in the past year, leaving London girdled by a web of 7130 wireless access points, according to a new study by RSA, the security company. 安全公司rsa的一项新研究称,过去一年,包括公共热点和商务系统在内,伦敦无线网络的数量增加了160%,将该城市包围在了一个由7130个无线接入点组成的网络之中。
People usually girdled lake with trees. 人们通常用树来环绕湖水。
A village girdled with green fields 绿色田野环绕的村庄
A mansion girdled by a black path. 被一条幽暗的小径围绕着的宅邸。
Yet was it not your loving mindfulness of my days and my nights that made food sweet to my mouth and girdled my sleep with visions? 然而,不正是你们对我日与夜的护爱,使食物甜在我的口中,使美景京绕于我的梦境?
There you will find an entrance that is girdled with sea anemones. 那里你将会发现一个由海葵驻守的入口。
This tiny tropical island is girdled round with a coral reef. 这个热带小岛周围长满了珊瑚礁。