(古罗马)角斗士 In the time of the Roman Empire, a gladiator was a man who had to fight against other men or wild animals in order to entertain an audience.
N-COUNT 勇士,斗士(指勇敢的或表演危险动作的运动员或表演者) You can refer to a sports player or a performer as a gladiator in order to emphasize how brave or dangerous their actions are.
As the gladiators rolled away from the starting gates, a gasp went up when the Scottish cyclist's left foot clicked out of the pedal. 矫健的自行车手们纷纷骑车冲出起跑门,突然苏格兰选手的左脚咔嗒一声踩空了踏板,观众不禁倒抽了一口冷气。
As the gladiators rolled away from the starting gates, a gasp went up when the Scottish cyclist's left foot clicked out of the pedal. 矫健的自行车手们纷纷骑车冲出起跑门,突然苏格兰选手的左脚咔嗒一声踩空了踏板,观众不禁倒抽了一口冷气。
Gladiators, although treated like celebrities in Roman times, could not change their subordination to their master. 古罗马时期的角斗士,尽管享受名人般的待遇,却不能改变自己附属于主人这一层关系。
Bloodthirsty crowds watched captured prisoners, slaves, and gladiators fight to the death in the Coliseum in Rome and in amphitheaters in cities throughout the empire. 在罗马斗兽场和遍及帝国的每个圆形剧场里,残忍的人群围观囚犯、奴隶和角斗士的生死搏杀。
I dont multitask very well, and Id rather be writing my paper on Roman gladiators than listening to you tell your best friend about your raging weekend. 我不擅长处理多进程任务,我宁愿写一篇罗马格斗士的论文而不是听你向你最好的朋友讲述你的愤怒周末。
Thosearchesover there were the main entrances and thesearticlesthat we found over there is the type once worn by gladiators. 那边那些拱形物是主要入口,而我们在那儿找到的物品是角斗士们曾经穿过的衣服。
For many gladiators that was their lastascentever, they would never arise again. 对很多角斗士来说,那是他们最后一次登高,因为他们再也不会出现了。
In the Falklands too, the mammoth of gladiators are turning away from their battlefields and the spectacular Exodus must now begin. 在福克兰群岛,角斗士们离开他们波澜壮阔的战场,壮观的《出埃及记》现在已经开始。
When gladiators in Rome fought each other for the entertainment of the Emperor he would give a thumbs up or a thumbs down on whether he wanted the defeated fighter to live or not. 当古罗马的角斗士为了取悦罗马皇帝互相决斗,罗马皇帝将竖起他的大拇指或者是垂下他的大拇指,以此来决定在决斗中被打败的角斗士的生死。
Gladiators fought wild animals and one another to the death in return for their continued survival, the glory of victory, and precious gifts from their benefactors. 战士们与猛兽搏斗或自相残杀,至死方休,换来的除了继续生存的权利、胜利的荣耀、还有赞助者馈赠的厚礼。
This is the arena in which gladiators used to lock in mortal combat. 过去的角斗士就是在这个竞技场展开殊死的搏斗。
Jeff: In six hundred BC, the Roman gladiators used stimulates in their fighting. 杰夫:公元前600年,古罗马角斗士在拼杀中就使用过刺激性的东西。
It says," battle of the lron cage gladiators. " 上面写着“铁笼角斗士大赛”
I own some of the best gladiators and charioteers in rome. 在罗马,我有一些最好的角斗士和驾车者。
To answer such questions, we needed to observe how gladiators behave at all stages of their life. 为了回答这些问题,我们必须观察螳生活史每个阶段的行为。
Gladiators fought with lions in the arena in Rome. 在古罗马的角斗场上,角斗士与狮子搏斗。
If you want to give away the best gladiators in the whole of the empire. 如果你想要我牺牲全帝国最棒的角斗士。
The main event was the gladiators. 而主要的赛事则是角斗士的竞技。
Gladiators may have fought and died to entertain others in the brutality of the Roman arena but they appear to have abided by a strict code of conduct which avoided savage violence, forensic scientists say. 在残暴的古罗马竞技场上,角斗士们通过厮杀或牺牲来愉悦他人,然而奥地利法医学家最近发现,这些古代角斗士们似乎必须遵守一些相当严格的比赛规则,以避免出现野蛮的暴力混战。
They're gladiators hired by the senate. 他们是元老们雇佣的角斗士。
In the months that followed, Arthur's squadron replaced its older American Hawk fighters with newer British Gloster Gladiators. 在以后的几个月里,亚瑟领导的中队以新的英国格洛斯特格斗者代替了年老的美国鹰派战斗机。
Archaeologists unearth Roman skeletons thought to be gladiators at a site in York in this undated handout photo. 考古学家发掘罗马骨架认为是在约克角斗士在此日期的讲义照片网站。
Of or relating to or resembling gladiators or their combat. 属于或关于格斗者或他们的格斗的,或类似于格斗的。
In addition to you, there are32 computer-controlled gladiators residing in the arena. 这个竞技场里面有32个电脑控制的对手陪你玩。
It makes me think of contemporary gladiators. 这让我想起历史上的角斗士。
But some in the group were more preoccupied with unanswered questions about the gladiators. 但是,有些人心里仍然盘据著关于螳的无解问题。
Thousands of gladiators dueled to the death here, and Christians were fed to the lions. 成千上万的角斗士在这里决斗身亡,基督徒曾在这里被送入狮口。
I lost myself gazing at painstakingly rendered engravings of battling gladiators, picturesque villages, and Roman ruins at sunrise. 那些巨细无遗的版画搏斗中的角斗士,风景如画的村庄,日出时的罗马废墟每每让我瞠目结舌、口不能言。
The emergence of the female gladiators showed the profound cultural connotations of ancient roman society, furthermore, it also reflected the subtle changes of the women's status in ancient Roman society. 女角斗士的涌现,不仅体现了当时罗马社会的深刻文化内涵,更反映了古罗马社会妇女地位的一种微妙变化。
On the Female Gladiators of Ancient Rome 论古罗马的女角斗士
In ancient Rome, not only many male gladiators performed in the amphitheater, but also some female gladiators, most of whom were slaves, and some of them were free women, even aristocratic women. 在古罗马,活跃在角斗场上的不仅仅是男角斗士,还有一批女角斗士。