Beware of the hare in the yard, he stares and glares very hard. 小心看着院子里的野兔,它正怒视着呢!
It feels appropriate that a huge Lenin still glares down over Kharkiv's central square. 让人感觉相称的是,一座巨大的列宁雕塑仍然居高临下地逼视着哈尔科夫的中央广场。
The mother rises up strong in Karen, and the usually mild-mannered lady glares steel-eyed into the head nurse's face, her lips a firm line. 一股强烈的母性在Karen体内应运而生,这位平日里温柔的女性眼睛一眨也不眨的盯着护士长的脸,嘴角显出坚毅的线条。
Ciel glares at him, and chastises him for thinking that she'd be weird enough to prepare curry for breakfast. 雪露瞪着他,惩罚他,把自己想象为古怪到拿咖喱做早餐。
For days afterward I endured cold silence from my father and intense glares from my mother. 此后一连几天,我领教了爸爸冰冷的沉默和妈妈无情的怒视。
People often wear dark glasses when the sun glares. 太阳耀眼时,人们往往就戴上深色眼镜。
Herzog glares – Did you ever check your shoes whether they're made in China? 赫尔佐格瞪着眼睛说道:你检查过自己的鞋是不是中国制造的吗?
One of the domino playing gangbangers glares at Martin wells. 一个在玩多米诺牌的年轻犯人怒视着他。
Cries seryozhka, and glares at him furiously. 谢辽日卡叫道,恶狠狠地对他瞪起眼睛。
All morning I was dreading lunch, fearing his bizarre glares. 整个早上我都在惧怕着午餐,害怕他异乎寻常的怒视。
Sample pressure, oil-soaked, dark-field illumination, glares eliminating and other channels has improved the image quality significantly. 试样加压、试样浸油、暗视场照明、消除眩光等途径对图像质量有了明显改善。