HTTP is not a reliable protocol; that much is glaringly clear. HTTP不是可靠的协议,这是很显而易见的。
But the two cases share a common, troubling thread: neighbors, police officers, and even the medical establishment may be more likely to overlook glaringly suspicious behavior when the perpetrator of that behavior is a woman. 然而这两起案件有一个共同点,那就是无论是邻居,警察,甚至医学工作者,都非常容易忽视那些原本是非常明显的可疑行为&而这仅仅是因为犯罪者是女性。
When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent. 透过这个压缩图来放眼我们的世界,就会明晓接纳他人、谅解以及教育是何等重要。
How could you lie so glaringly, as to affirm I hated the`` poor child ''? 你怎么能这样明目张胆地说谎,肯定我恨这个‘可怜的孩子’?
When they happen they present the opportunity for hindsight and the risks that were previously ignored become glaringly apparent. 当临界点出现时,我们可以借机表现后见之明,以前被忽视的风险会变得异常明显。
The history of this in Sri Lanka, especially since independence from the British, is glaringly manifested. 斯里兰卡这样的历史,特别是自从英国独立以来,明显地体现出来这一点。
How can you lie so glaringly to the poor child? 你怎么能对这可怜的孩子这么明目张胆地撒谎?
The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see. 最难解释的莫过于所有早已拒绝去看的明显事实。
After all, there are few places that can make someone seem as glaringly out of place as the school gates. 毕竟,很少有什么地方会像学校大门口那样让光艳照人的你看起来有点格格不入。
It had become glaringly obvious that he had no idea what he was doing. 事情已经非常明显,他根本不知道自己在于什么。
In the case of Myanmar, the failures are glaringly obvious. 缅甸的这一例子中,很多失败之处格外明显。
They were glaringly out of sync with realities students face outside the classroom. 这与学生在教室外所面对的现实明显不“同步”。
Unlike previously, it has become glaringly apparent that our present society holds the key to opening new vistas in governmental affairs. 和以前不同,在开创政府工作新局面的问题上,当今社会已成为明显的决定性因素。
If you have any glaringly negative numbers, especially AA-88, it may indicate bad play. 如果你有任何明显的负数,特别是AA-88,说明你打得很烂。
Spain's structural faults were long hidden by a housing bubble and have been glaringly exposed now that it has burst. 西班牙过去长期被房地产泡沫隐藏的结构性失误,如今终于暴露无遗,并且破裂。
Yet politicians are quite capable of ignoring even glaringly unfinished business if it suits them. 然而政客们只要愿意就能无视这些极为显眼的未竟的事业。
I can think of one very good ( and glaringly obvious) tip which this trendy, soppy book does not even mention. 我能想到一条非常好的(而且是显而易见的)建议,而且是这本自作多情的流行书籍提都没提过的。
Then the mule said to him glaringly: 'Will you complain now about my feed doubling yours?' 这时骡瞪着驴说:'你现在还会认为我不该多吃一倍食物吗?'
We say distribution has become so glaringly ridiculous that there are only two people out of the47000000 people in this country who approve of the present system of distribution-one is the Duke of Northumberland and the other is Lord banbury. 我们说分配已经变得绝顶荒谬,以致在我国四千七百万人口中,只有两个人赞成现行的分配制度&一个是诺森兰公爵,另一个是班伯里勋爵。