Millet showed us a glary compass of art, it's pure-hearted, honest and coruscate the flame of humanity. so there are not many calligraphers that have reached the highest realm of calligraphy. 米勒的绘画艺术为我们展示了一种艺术境界,是一种真诚与淳朴的,闪耀着人性的光辉的境界。真的走进书法艺术境界的书法家并不是很多的。
It is nature's great act of faith that she lets these jewels sleep and trusts they will awaken, to return to paint and perfume our world in floral glary all over again in the coming year. 大自然的信念生发出壮举,她让这些珍宝安眠,并坚信它们会在来年复苏,重新将整个世界装点得艳丽芬芳。
During reform and open policy more than 20 years, the Private Economy of Yangtze River Delta is from none to being, its scale is from small to big, then it can have this glary complexion. 改革开放20多年来,长三角民营经济从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强,走到了今天光辉的局面。
Study on the ultrasound extraction of morning glary flower pigment and its stability 牵牛花色素色的超声提取及稳定性研究
China has ever been glary for its 'ancientfour inventions. We believe that China can also be outstanding in pricing power of imports and exports trade in the world, and make new contribution to international economy development. 我国曾以四大发明在历史上有过光辉的一页,相信我国也将在进出口贸易定价权方面自立于世界之林,并为国际经济发展作出自己新的贡献。
Myth is the first glary page of human cultural history, it not only has important literature value but has costful scientific value. 神话作为人类文化史上光辉的第一页,不仅具有重要的文学价值,而且具有珍贵的科学价值。