For all that, and though the live-oak glistens there in Louisiana 尽管啊尽管这棵橡树在路易斯安那的
I hoped heartfeltly Chinese will become the language will be the star which in glistens, shines Chinese nation's bright future! 我衷心希望汉语将成为语言系里一颗闪亮的星星,照耀中华民族的锦绣前程!
The birthday candle was lit up, it glistens like the hope in children's dream. 生日的蜡烛点燃了,它像小人的梦中,那闪烁的希望。
Where the World Trade Center once stood, the sun glistens off a new tower that reaches towards the sky. 在世贸中心曾经矗立的地方,一座新的摩天大楼直耸云霄。
Blueshine: This armor glistens with a blue-black sheen, as if it was covered in oily liquid sapphire. 莹蓝:这种铠甲闪烁着一种黯蓝色的光泽,如同覆盖着一层油液态的蓝宝石一般。
He's also a devout Catholic with a missionary fervor, and his conversation glistens with Biblical cadences. 他也是个虔诚的天主教徒,有传教士般的使命感,言谈充满圣经警句般美妙的韵律。
Asked whether he manages by consensus, a little ice glistens in his eyes. 当问及他的管理方式是否得到一致认可时,他的眼神变得有些冷淡。
Even so, when it has rained and the grass glistens, it's magic. ' 即便如此,当下雨时和草闪亮,真是太神奇了。
You in my life, are the star which that most glistens. 你在我生命中,是那最闪亮的星。
Therefore your light glistens in my tears. 因此,你的光辉闪烁在我的泪花之中。