Globulars transport us mentally through time, opening our eyes to the rich layering of history in the heavens. 球状星团运载著我们的心智,穿越时空,为我们开启了探究宇宙丰富历史的眼睛。
The discovery of young and intermediate-age globular clusters opens up a whole new way to study how globulars form. 年轻及中年球状星团的发现,为球状星团的形成开启了新的研究道路。
This finding corroborates the link between the merger process and the formation of globulars. 这项发现确认了星系融合过程与球状星团形成之间的关联。
One hypothesis is that these globulars survive from an even earlier galaxy that was subsumed into NGC1316. 有一种假说认为,这些球状星团是更早以前被NGC1316吞并的星系所遗留下来的幸存者。
The old age typical of the globular clusters in our galaxy has had a profound impact on the study of globulars in general. 在我们星系中,这些典型的老年球状星团对于一般球状星团的研究影响深远。
Maybe globulars go on forming whenever conditions permit. 也许在条件适当时,球状星团便会不断地形成。
What is it about globulars that overcomes these odds? 能克服上述不利情况的球状星团,有何特异之处?
It dawned on astronomers that the crowded conditions in globulars could be the deciding factor. 天文学家渐渐明白:球状星团内的拥挤状态可能是决定因素。
Yet the observed globulars are too old to have been created by the recent spiral collision. 不过,观测到的这些球状星团都十分古老,不可能是最近与旋涡星系相撞时产生的。