His gloved hand held up a computer disk. 他用那只戴着手套的手拿起一张光盘。
A gloved cat catches no mice. 戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠。
They sit in rows, taking hot glass into their gloved hands and spinning it around a cylinder. 他们成排坐着,用戴着手套的手拿起炽热的玻璃,将它绕在一个圆筒上。
Then stooping low she moves forward, gathering the corn with both hands against her knees, and pushing her left gloved hand under the bundle to meet the right on the other side, holding the corn in an embrace like that of a lover. 然后,她向前把腰弯下去,一双手把麦堆拢到膝盖跟前,戴着手套的左手从麦堆下面伸过去,同另一边的右手会合了,就像拥抱一个情人一样把麦子抱在怀里。
Both women lost themselves for a second or two as they quietly praised the little gloved hand. 有那么一两秒钟,这两位女士都全神贯注地静静赞叹着这只戴着手套的纤纤玉手。
Walking several feet behind her, a man in a checkered shirt pulled out Liberian dollar bills from a backpack with his gloved hand and tossed the money to the loudest protesters. 在她的身后数英尺的地方,一个身穿格子衬衫、戴着手套的男子,从背包里掏出利比里亚钞票,抛给声音最响亮的抗议者。
Gripping the pot in two gloved hands, he flashes a grin to the camera before hefting the entire contents over the edge. 他用戴着手套的双手握住锅把,对着镜头闪过一丝微笑,继而端起整锅开水从边上倒了下去。
It is an iconic image: Queen Elizabeth in her royal carriage, gently waving a graceful gloved hand. 这是个标志性形象:女王伊丽莎白戴着优雅得体的手套,坐在皇家马车上轻轻地挥着手。
Employees who care for carriers are gowned, masked, and gloved, and they sanitize their hands by a set protocol when they leave the carrier patient's room. 照顾带原者的员工必须穿隔离衣和戴口罩手套,并在离开隔离病房时遵守手部灭菌规范;
The magician produced bunches of flowers out of his gloved hands. 魔术师从戴着手套的手里变出一束束鲜花。
Earlier, Jackson's appearance outside the Earl's Court Arena in west London inspired glee and bedlam among hundreds of fans, who scrambled for photos and reached out to touch his gloved hand. 当他出现在颁奖典礼举办地伦敦西部的伯爵宫外时,在场的几百个歌迷陷入一阵“混乱”,他们抢着给杰克逊拍照,还伸出手来争着和他“握”手。
The man stopped what he was doing, lifted the goggles and waved a gloved hand toward Joe's face. 男人停止了他正在做的,举起了护目镜而且挥舞一手套对于乔的脸手。
Bleeding can usually be controlled by external compression by a gloved finger during the preparation and until the complete surgical team is at hand. 控制出血:在准备手术和等待血管外科专业医生到来之前,可以戴无菌手套在出血部位压迫起到暂时止血的目的。
So, I'm just going to use this gloved hand and need to palpate; 然后,我会用这只戴手套的手触诊;
His gloved hands were clasped behind him. 他双手戴着手套,叉在背后。
He gloved the ball, turned and threw in one motion. 他接住球,转身立即掷出。
His appeal largely comes from his association with China's opening and economic reform, which kicked into gear in the1980s, the height of the gloved one's popularity. 他的吸引力很大程度上和中国80年代改革开放,及天王流行的高度有关。
During digital examination of the rectum, the doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum to feel for abnormal growths. 在直肠指检过程中,医生会用戴着手套的手指插入到患者直肠来感觉是否有异常增长。
He gripped it with his gloved hands. 他用戴着手套的双手紧紧握住它。
He straightened his coat with his gloved hands. 他用他的戴着手套的手把衣服理了一理。
One gloved hand guided the ice scraper across the truck's windshield; 他一只手戴着手套,操纵着刮冰器在刮卡车挡风玻璃上的冰;
She held out her gloved hand to shake mine. 她伸出戴着手套的手来与我握手。
Surface acoustic wave touch screens rely on the absorption of sound waves to detect a touch so a finger or gloved finger will work. 表面声波触摸屏凭借吸收声波来判断触摸反应,所以带不带手套对它的工作没有任何影响。
What more is there to say about the Almighty Gloved One? 为什么不跟我们一起去?说不定你还能有艳遇呢。对全能的“手套客”,我们还有什么好说的呢?
She picked up her delicate handbag, carefully pull the zip open, taking a document out using her gloved index finger and middle finger, and casually threw it onto the seat. 她拿起精致的手提包,轻轻的把拉链一拉,用戴着手套的食指和中指,从皮包里夹出一份证件,随手丢在座位上。
They drove off towards the Loop Line bridge, her rich gloved hand on the steel grip. 他们的马车驰向环道桥,她用戴着考究的手套的手握着那钢质栏杆。
Two old ladies, neatly hatted and gloved; a bearskin-hatted sentry. 两位年老的女士,整洁地戴着帽子和手套;一个戴着熊皮帽的哨兵。
So, I'm just going to use this gloved hand and need to palpate; tell me if you feel any kind of pain at all when I'm doing that. 我会把我的手指放到你的嘴里,然后触诊,如果你感觉牙龈不适,请告诉我。
But, unfortunately, he marred the good impression by wiping his nose in his gloved hand once or twice out of thoughtlessness. 但遗憾的是,他粗心大意地用戴手套的手擦了一两下鼻子,玷污了自己留下的好印象。