When a particular character is rendered, the shape representing this character is called a glyph. 呈现特定的字符时,表示这个字符的形状称为图符。
For instance, Sino-Japanese orthographies have no contextual rules that can affect the composition of individual glyph combinations. 例如,Sino-Japaneseorthography就没有前后规则可以影响单个字形组合的复合。
Glyph of Scatter Shot: Increases the range of Scatter Shot by3 yards. 驱散射击雕文:你的驱散射击的射程延长3码。
The object specifies a character that will be mapped to a glyph for presentation. 对象指定了一个字符,该字符将被映射到一个用于显示的字形中。
Ligature glyph widths are divided evenly among the characters they represent. 连字字形宽度以它们代表的字符均匀的划分。
Aries is a masculine fire sign ruled by Mars ♂, which uses the astrological glyph of a male. 白羊座是个男性和火性的星座被火星“♂”所统治,这是一个代表男性的占星符号。
A tooltip error in the Glyph of Sprint has been corrected. 修复了疾跑铭文的一个说明错误。
Get rid of all that annoying row but making a ligature, one glyph which represents two characters. 一劳永逸的解决方案是做一个连字,用一个字符代替两个字符。
Draws the specified menu glyph on a menu item control within the specified bounds and on the specified surface. 在菜单项控件上指定的边界内、指定的表面上,绘制指定的菜单标志符号。
Glyph of Shadow Protection-Increases the duration of your Shadow Protection and Prayer of Shadow Protection spells by10 min. 增加暗影防护和暗影防护祷言的持续时间10分钟。
Glyph of Deep Freeze: Increases the range of Deep Freeze by10 yards. 深冻雕文:提高你的深冻10码范围。
Get or load the glyph image. 获得或装入字形映象;
If the document's dir property is set to rtl, the selection glyph is on the right. 如果文档的dir属性设置为rtl,则选择标志符号在右边。
Glyph of Avenger's Shield-Your Avenger's Shield hits-2 fewer targets but for100% more damage. 复仇者之盾雕文-你的复仇者之盾将只攻击一个目标,但造成额外100%伤害。
The glyph is also displayed in the breakpoints window. 标志符号也显示在“断点”窗口中。
In a source window or disassembly window, click on the breakpoint glyph. 在源窗口或“反汇编”窗口中,单击断点标志符号。
Glyph of Mind Control: Increases duration by30 seconds. 精神控制雕文:提升持续时间30秒。
Note that it is possible that the emulation misses glyphs if glyph names are non-standard. 注意,如果字形名是不标准的那么模拟的字符表有可能遗漏某些字形。
Translate the glyph so that its'origin'matches the pen position. 平移字形以使它的原点匹配笔位置;
Glyph of the Black Wolf-You appears as a black wolf when using your Ghost Wolf spell. 黑狼雕文-当你使用鬼魂之狼法术时,你将呈现为黑狼。
Render the glyph to the target device. 将字形渲染到目标设备;
Crushes the glyph You think you can snare me trap me with your secrets? 碾碎象形文字你以为你能用你的秘诀设陷阱诱捕我么?
It is almost always necessary to resize the glyph's outlines after importing an image. 这是几乎总是必要的调整字形的轮廓后,进口国的形象。
Convert the character string into a series of glyph indices. 将字符串转换成一系列字形索引;
When the code is loaded, the breakpoint will be enabled and the glyph will change. 加载代码后,将启用断点,标志符号也将更改。
Loading a glyph bitmap with a non-identity transformation works; the transformation is ignored in this case. 同时要注意,对一个字形位图进行非同一性变换将产生错误。