At the same time, gnarly but critical concepts, such as the "money illusion" ( how inflation and deflation distort decision-making) or the way productivity serves as the primary driver of wages and living standards, shine through in all their richness and complexity. 与此同时,该书充分展现了一些拗口却又关键的概念的丰富性和复杂性,比如“货币幻觉”(通胀和通缩如何扭曲决策)或生产力作为工薪收入和生活水平主要推动者的作用方式。
Why a CA can often sound more gnarly than it looks is a topic for a whole other article. 需要完整的另一篇文章来说明为什么CA听起来比看起来通常更不规则。
These impressive signorinas tackle the most gnarly of cobblestones in high heels with the grace of a gazelle and the determination of an Olympic athlete. 这些迷人的小姐们用瞪羚似的优雅和奥运选手一般的意志穿着高跟鞋征服脚下最为“艰险”的鹅卵石路。
My blade is not only precise, but totally gnarly. 我的刀可不止精确,而简直是暴力。
Of the gnarly, stinking, messed-up, gross cab. 在肮脏恶心的,其臭无比出租车里。
Long enough to see one gnarly hand. 足够长看到一只粗糙的手。
I just can't do this one. it's just too gnarly. 我干不了这个,太危险了。