His bunk is no more a sleeping quarters than an ogre's lair of gnashed pork byproducts and discarded nut husks. 他的床铺已经不是睡觉的地方的了,简直就是食人魔的老窝∶满是咬过的猪肉副产品和四处乱丢的果壳。
When he saw she was a grown-up, he gnashed the little pearls at her. 他一见达林太太是个大人,就对她龇起满口珍珠般的小牙。
That's because he gnashed at her. 都是因为他撕咬她。
He gnashed at me, and foamed like a mad dog. 他对我咬牙切齿,象个疯狗似地吐着白沫。
She didn't know what to do. Bill's incompetence had made most of her work over the last three months quite pointless – she could have gnashed her teeth with sheer frustration. 她不知该干什么,比尔的无能使她过去三个月的工作变得毫无意义&她真气得咬牙切齿。
Sir Francis shook his fists, Passepartout was beside himself, and the guide gnashed his teeth with rage. 柯罗马蒂紧紧握着拳头,路路通怒发冲冠,向导也忍耐不住了。
Then they gave her a bike and she gnashed it up into a little ball, tires and all! 然后他们又给了她一辆自行车,她连车身带轱辘一股脑儿放进嘴里,嘎吱嘎吱地嚼成一个小球!