Gneiss, cut or sawn with a flat or even surface ( excl. setts, kerbstones and flagstones) 片麻岩,经切割或锯制,表面均匀平整(不包括长方石、边石和扁平石)
Effect of Water-retaining Agent on Forestation in Gneiss Rocky Mountainous Area 保水剂在片麻岩石质山地造林中的应用研究
Drilling elastic modulus test on gneiss of dam foundation for Longjiang hydropower station 龙江水电站片麻坝基钻孔弹性模量试验
Qinglongcun Group consists mainly of gneiss, amphibolite, fine-to coarse-grained schist and laminated marble. 青龙村群岩石类型主要为片岩类、斜长角闪岩类、粗细粒片麻岩类和大理岩夹层。
Gneiss, a metamorphic rock, can be commonly found in Precambrian areas. 片麻岩,变质岩,可以发现,在常见的前寒武纪地区。
Discussion on the Early Precambrian Grey Gneiss and Khondalite in Nei Mongol Shanxi Hebei Junction Region, North China 关于内蒙与晋冀交界地区早前寒武纪灰片麻岩和孔兹岩的讨论
Borehole Televiewer and Borehole Elastic Modulus Test for Transmission Cable Tunnel in Singapore Drilling elastic modulus test on gneiss of dam foundation for Longjiang hydropower station 钻孔电视和钻孔弹模在新加坡电力电缆隧道工程中的应用龙江水电站片麻坝基钻孔弹性模量试验
Experimental Study on USLE Model in Granite Gneiss Region of Northern Jiangsu Province 苏北花岗片麻岩地区USLE模型的试验研究
There is a suboutcrop of amphibolite facies TTG gneiss overlain by Neoproterozoic Zhangbaling Group at Nanhuang region in Jiashan, East Anhui. 在皖东嘉山南黄地区新元古代张八岭岩群之下,隐伏一套角闪岩相的TTG质片麻岩类。
Tunnel-burning phenomena and its geological significance in the gneiss of Dabie orogenic belt 大别造山带片麻岩区隧道燃烧现象及地质意义
Some examples of metamorphic rocks are gneiss, slate, marble, schist and quartzite. 在中级变质时形成云母片岩;在高级变质作用下形成片麻岩。
It established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of Mongolia and reached an agreement on the boundaries between the two countries. Discussion on the Early Precambrian Grey Gneiss and Khondalite in Nei Mongol Shanxi Hebei Junction Region, North China 中国同蒙古人民共和国建立了外交关系,达成了协议,划定了边界。关于内蒙与晋冀交界地区早前寒武纪灰片麻岩和孔兹岩的讨论
Complex reservoir analysis The nickel mineralization is contained in a layered basic massif surrounded and underlain by an Archean gneiss complex. 复杂岩性储集层分析此处镍矿化产于一层状基性岩块内,其四周和下面都为太古代片麻岩杂岩围绕。
Study on mechanical properties and durability of the C60 high strength concrete made from gneiss coarse aggregate in bridge The ship was pounded to pieces against the rocks. 桥用C60片麻岩碎石高强混凝土的力学性能与耐久性研究那船在岩石上撞得粉碎。
Their similarity to Ga-Bi gneiss in geochemistry, especially in REE, when chemical sediments are considered separately, reflects that they probably shared a mutual provenance to Ga-Bi gneiss. 消除化学沉积的影响后,该岩组的地球化学特征尤其是稀土元素与区内的榴云片麻岩十分相似,反映它们有共同的源区。
As if an avantgarde painting, younger white rock intrudes in a tapestry of gneiss. 如果作为一个先锋派绘画,年轻的白色岩石在强挤入一个挂毯片麻岩。
Experimental Study of Improvement of Moisture Sensitivity of Gneiss Asphalt Mixture 改善片麻岩沥青混合料水稳性能的试验研究
The Qinling Group is lithologically composed of four closely related but different rock sequences, gneiss, amphibolite, metadolerite and marble. 东秦岭秦岭岩群是一套中深变质结晶岩系,主要由片麻岩、斜长角闪岩、变粒岩和大理岩组成。
Research and Application of Active Filler Addition Gneiss Asphalt Concrete on Daqing-Guangzhou Highway North of Hubei Province 掺活性矿粉片麻岩沥青混凝土在湖北大广北高速公路的应用
The fault scarp in ground surface approximately is along the fault face that consists of Cretaceous sandstone and Archaean gneiss. The lime-stone rocks bed up against the coal. 断层陡坎与白垩系砂岩和太古界片麻岩之间的断层位置大致吻合。石为岩层紧靠着煤矿层。
The NW-trending Dagu river-Chaoliandao fault is divided into three parts, the north part drawdowning turn northeast step-shapedly is the boundary of the gneiss and Cretaceous. NW向大沽河&朝连岛南断裂分为三段,北段呈门路状向湾内下降,为白垩系与胶南群片麻岩的分界断裂;
Tending Technique for Young Plantations of Water-harvesting and Moisture-conserving in Gneiss Mountainous Area of North China 华北片麻岩山地幼林地集水保墒抚育技术研究
The pre Sinian metamorphic series in the Micang Mountain area on the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton consist of the Houhe Group Complex, the Bajiaoshu Gneiss Complex and the Huodiya Group. 扬子克拉通北缘米仓山地区前震旦纪变质岩系由后河岩群、八角树片麻杂岩和火地垭群组成。
This paper investigates the characteristics and origin of augen granitic gneiss in the Daheishan area in eastern Tianshan Mountains. 文章对东天山大黑山地区眼球状花岗质片麻岩的特征及其成因进行探讨。
Influence of Crushing Value of Granitic Gneiss Coarse Aggregate on Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Different Strengths 片麻岩碎石压碎值对混凝土力学性能的影响
Rocks to the north and south of the gneiss zone are lithologically and structurally distinct from it. 片麻岩带南北两侧的岩石,在岩性上及构造上都和它大不相同。
P-wave velocity anisotropies of water-saturated gneiss are lower than those of dry gneiss. 饱水后的片麻岩样品的P波各向异性明显低于干燥片麻岩样品。
These granitoids are characterized by a very coarse-grained and huge augen gneiss texture. 这些花岗岩以特有的粗粒、巨大的眼球状片麻结构为特征。