While some have threatened to withhold funds if the line goes ahead, others are saying they will adopt a go-slow attitude. 一些选区威胁说,如果高铁项目继续,他们将停止资金援助,另一些则说他们将消极怠工。
The two week go-slow at the factory has ended after unions agreed a new pay deal with the management. 当工会和管理层达成了新的工资协定之后,这家工厂二周的怠工结束了。
Even more disturbingly, given that growing power, the blame for the gas go-slow lies mainly with Beijing. 但更令人不安的是,鉴于中国的实力逐渐增强,人们将天然气开发进展缓慢的责任主要都推到北京头上。
Many Chinese companies also prefer a go-slow approach. 中国公司还喜欢采用慢条斯理的。
Check to see if there is any strike or go-slow. 查清楚是不是有罢工或者怠工。
Bandiera and her colleagues proposed a different way of adjusting the piece rate one that workers could not influence with a collective go-slow and measured the result. 班迪耶拉和她的同事们提出了一种不同的方法来调整工资率,使工人们无法通过集体怠工来影响工资率,然后评估结果。