The world will make for those who are goal-directed and far-sighted. 世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路(冯两努&香港著名推销商)
The application of goal-directed management theory in the training of head nurses 应用目标管理理论培训护士长的实践与体会
The more goal-directed your thinking is, the better the index will map to what might possibly pop into a user's head when he is looking for something. 你思考的方式越是目标导向,索引就会越好地与用户寻找某物时最可能浮现在他脑海里的事物匹配。
Individuals who are optimistic, agreeable, open to experience, conscientious, positively motivated and goal-directed are more likely to experience successful aging. 积极地,愉快的开放的,有责任心的积极行动的和目的明确的人更可能经历了年龄成功的阶段。
Our research interests center around the neural mechanisms for voluntary, goal-directed, behavior. 我们的研究是以自发性、标导向、行为的神经机制为主轴。
Goal-directed interactions reflect user mental models. 目标导向的交互反映了用户的心理模型。
By exploring context scenarios, you can get a good idea of what functions need to be integrated to provide a seamless, goal-directed experience. 通过探索情境场景剧本,你会找出来哪些功能需要集成在一起,从而提供给用户无缝且目标导向的体验。
Our Goal-Directed process for defining product requirements is described below. 我们的定义产品需求的目标导向设计过程如下。
Goal-Directed Dynamic Portfolio Insurance Strategies Research 基于目标收益导向的动态投资组合保险策略研究
Early goal-directed therapy in severe sepsis: need more compliance 严重脓毒症早期目标指导性治疗:亟待规范
Why not organize the facilities in a more goal-directed way? 为什么不以更直接的目标导向方式组织呢?
Software, too, has a pretty clear dividing line between goal-directed tasks and excise tasks. 软件在目标导向的任务和附加工作任务之间存在相当清晰的分界线。
Conclusions Early goal-directed therapy proides significant benefits with respect to outcome in patients with seere sepsis and septic shock. 结论早期目标治疗对严重脓毒症和脓毒性休克病人的结果具有显著益处。
"Behaviors become habitual faster in stressed animals than in the controls, and worse, the stressed animals can't shift back to goal-directed behaviors when that would be the better approach," Dr. 举动在有压力的动物中比在比较组能够更快的变成风俗,更糟的是,当有更好的选择时,有压力的动物不能从头回到方针导向举动的状况。
On the one hand, regions of the brain associated with executive decision-making and goal-directed behaviors had shriveled, while, conversely, brain sectors linked to habit formation had bloomed. 一方面,与年夜脑实行决意妄想拟定和方针导向举动有关的地区萎缩,另一方面,与风俗形成有关的年夜脑的地区却增进了。
Wherever disk technology has left its mark on the design of our software, it has done so for implementation purposes only, and not in the service of users or any goal-directed design rationale. 无论磁盘技术给我们的软件设计留下了什么样的标志,这么做主要是为了实现上的意图,而不是为了服务用户或者任何目标导向的设计原理。
Lactate Clearance Rate as a Marker of Fluid Resuscitation in Elderly Patients with Septic Shock During Early Goal-directed Therapy 乳酸清除率监测在老年感染性休克液体复苏中的价值
As in all diagnostic work-ups, these tests should be performed in a goal-directed manner in order to uate specific hypotheses. 在所有的诊断性检查中,需要对可能的情况做有目的的检查。
In the process of goal-directed design, this paper presents a new CoU model to resolve this problem, and addresses a means of describing some sub model of the new CoU model. 本文基于“目标导向设计”的思想对传统的使用背景模型作了进一步细化。
Aristotle, remember, argues that all action is goal-directed, is goal-oriented. 亚里士多德认为,所有行动都是有目的的,都是为目的服务的。
Early Goal-directed Therapy for Patients with Septic Shock Resulting from Peptic Ulcer Perforation and Nursing Care 早期目标性复苏治疗消化道穿孔致感染性休克患者的护理
Effects of Early Goal-directed Therapy on Systematic Oxygen Metabolism and Gastric Mucosal pH in the Patients with Septic Shock 早期目标指导治疗对脓毒性休克患者全身氧代谢与胃黏膜酸度的影响
Value of early goal-directed therapy for treatment of surgical patients with severe sepsis 外科严重脓毒症早期目标指导治疗应用价值研究
If nothing else, the Goal-Directed process described in the chapters of Part I should help you to achieve purposeful design. 第1篇描述的目标为导向的开发流程有助于实现这一点。
The Goal-Directed Design process, in which product concepts are conceived of as a whole at the top level and then iteratively refined to detail, provides an ideal environment for creating internally coherent designs. 目标导向的开发流程把产品概念作为核心,通过迭代精确细节为创造内在和谐提供了理想的环境。
The chapters in Part I provided the process and concepts behind the practice of Goal-Directed interaction design. 第1篇介绍了目标导向的交互设计工作背后的流程与概念。
Such a strategy to use foreign direct investment may be either offensive or defensive in nature and may be an important expression of its purposive goal-directed drive to react to and modify, its operating environment. 使用国外直接投资这一战略,性质上可以是进攻性的,也可以是防御性的。也是一种对其营运环境作出反映和改变的,有目的行动的重要表示。
At present, as more goal-directed action in studying on the component factors of brand strength, there has been a focus on unilateral and factor over-looked phenomenon. 由于这一较强的目的指向性,目前,对品牌强度构成因子的研究存在因子单方面的侧重及某些因子被忽略的现象。
Yet, when we examine current implementations and uses of Undo from a Goal-Directed point of view, we see considerable variation in purpose and method. 然而当我们从目标导向的视角来看撤销时,在意图和方法方面存在很多变体。
As the study progressed, the patients in the standard-therapy group may hae received some form of goal-directed therapy, reducing the treatment effect. 随着研究的进展,对照组病人或许接受了某种形式的目标导向治疗,从而降低了治疗组显示的效果。