When he asked questions, the answers came back in Wall Street gobbledygook. 他但凡提出疑问,得到的回答全是华尔街的官样文章。
Which brings you to the files with the hex digit gobbledygook names. 配有十六进制数字冗长名称的文件带给您什么内容。
But the first step is the simplest and the most important: like Dennis, we need to ask challenging questions, admit that we do not understand gobbledygook and demand answers. 然而,第一步是最简单也最重要的:像丹尼斯那样,我们需要问一些有挑战性的问题,承认我们无法理解行话,并且要求得到回答。
I'm not talking about putting a plaque on the lobby wall with the usual generic gobbledygook. 我并不是说要在大厅的上挂上一块牌子,上面写着寻常那种泛泛的官话。
Patents in new fields often sound like gobbledygook, since each inventor makes up his own terminology. 新领域的专利经常听上去像天书,因为每个发明者都去构造出自己的一套术语。
Of course, those words are gobbledygook on the whole. 这些话自然是官样文章。
Of course, those words are gobbledygook on the whole. He is a civil servant. 这些话自然是官样文章。他是一位文职官员。
No one likes to read or listen to government gobbledygook. 没有人喜欢读或听政府的官样文章。
They must have a full-time staff to dream up all this gobbledygook. 他们当时一定是有一个专门炮制这类官样文章的人员班底。
All he did was give us a load of gobbledygook. 他只是对我们说了一大堆莫名其妙的废话。
But Humpty Dumpty used words in an odd way, and that made him a master of gobbledygook, not a master of language. 矮座椅沙发以一种奇怪的方式来使用词汇,这使它成为一个“官样文章”大师,而不是语言大师。
That's because by taking Chrysler private there will be no more quarterly reports, no more earnings guidance, no more Wall Street pressure, and especially none of that Sarbanes-Oxley gobbledygook. 那是因为克莱斯勒变为私有企业后,就不需要那么多的季度报告、盈利指导、华尔街的压力和官样文章。
Some Chinese news stories are written in journalese and gobbledygook, telling readers the news, while western journalists write in plain language, showing readers the news; 有些中国记者以新闻腔和官腔向读者陈述新闻内容,而西方记者则以平实白描的语言向读者描述新闻事实。