Hi: I do not believe Lord Odin would be accepting "submission" for mortals for godhood at any time! 我相信吾主奥丁任何时候都不会接受一个凡人要求神格的提案!
But in Commentary on Iqing, the "divinity" is pulled down from altar and gradually closes to being "saint" on the descending way of godhood. 《易传》中的“神”却被拉下了神圣的祭坛,慢慢地向“圣”靠拢,走上了神格下降的道路。
The lesson is, of course, to realize your godhood, your connectedness with Prime Creator and with all that exists. 当然课程是认识你们的神性,认识与最初的创造者并且与你们所有存在的你们的连通性。
The first chapter makes an analysis of the solar culture about the original godhood of Hsi Wang Mu, which put special emphasis on "Hsi Wu". 第一章以甲骨卜辞中“西母”为研究重点,对西王母原生态神格中的太阳文化进行分析;
The second chapter explains significations of bearing and reproduction about Hsi Wang Mu's godhood, which lays emphasis on the cultural meaning of "moon" and "tiger" of myth and tale about Hsi Wang Mu. 第二章以西王母神话传说中月和虎文化内涵为研究重点,对西王母神格特征中的生育、繁殖象征进行阐释;