So in the spring of 2010, Mr. Goering took the same leap as Mr. Zuckerberg: he dropped out of college and moved to San Francisco to make his mark. 所以,在2010年的春天,戈尔先生跨出了和扎克伯格相同的一步:为了做出成绩,他从大学退学,搬去了旧金山。
And I want the Hermann Goering division back. 我要戈林的师回来。
This was an order to murder Goering and his Air Force staff, whom Bormann had already placed under S.S. arrest. 这是一道要谋害戈林和他的空军参谋部人员的命令,鲍曼早已叫党卫队将他们逮捕了。
Goering ismuch better at those things. 这种事情,戈林在行得多了。
Goering had said exactly the right thing, managing to voice his disagreement in the form of a compliment. 戈林说得恰到好处,他没法以恭维的方式表达了他的异议。
Goering at least had asked the Leader's permission to take over. 戈林要接手至少还请求元首许可。
Goering was hoping to strike a bargain with the Allies. 戈林正设法同盟国拍板成交。
Goering's telegram had been held up by Bormann. 戈林的电报已经被鲍曼扣压了。
Goering invited her to dinner, having arranged to put cyanide in her fish. 戈林决定谋杀她,邀请她吃晚饭,叫人在鱼下氰化物。
In place of the former Reich Marshal Goering the Fuehrer appoints you as his successor. 元首任命你为继承人,以代替前帝国元帅戈林。
The Luftwaffe had fought bravely and only Goering was responsible for its losing its initial supremacy in the war. 空军也打得很勇敢,只有戈林应对空军丧失战争初期的优势负责。
GOERING: If this goes on we will get a telegram [ from the English] in a few days. 戈林:如果这种局面发展下去,不消几天我们就会[从英国人那里]收到电报。
That is, if Goering, on learning of the Fuehrer's death, did not try to usurp the throne. 这是说,如果戈林在得悉元首去世的消息后不设法篡位的话。
Hitler: because hermamn Goering has betrayed and deserted both me and his fatherland. 希特勒:因为赫尔曼。戈林已经背叛了我和祖国。
"Impossible. I have it reserved," Goering shot back. “不可能,我已经预订了。”戈林回击道。
OKW that the defense of Berlin was now at an end, that he was killing himself rather than surrender, that Goering and Himmler had betrayed him, and that he had named Admiral Doenitz as his successor. 他在信上告诉这位最高统帅部长官:柏林保卫战现在已结束;他马上就要自杀,决不投降;戈林和希姆莱已经背叛了他;他己任命邓尼茨作为他的继承人。
Once, Goering had Heydrich detained by the police on false pretenses, so that he could get the chair by the window. 有一次,戈林让警察找借口拘留了海德里希,以便他能占住靠窗的理发椅。
This time Goering did not try to dodge the issue by pretending cordiality. 这一回戈林不再虚与委蛇地回避问题。
Up till the end of August, Goering did not take an unfavourable view of the air conflict. 一直到八月底,戈林都未对空战抱悲观的看法。
He was glad to be relieved of all personal difficulties with Goering. 他对他消除了和戈林之间的一切个人芥蒂感到高兴。
I too had not seen Goering so dynamic and bold in recent years. 近几年里,我也从未看到戈林如此生气勃勃、大胆泼辣。
Goering and Himmler try to take over. 戈林和希姆莱试图取而代之。
I did not try to humble Goering publicly. 我并不打算公开贬低戈林。
Hitler, prompted by Bormann, dictated a telegram informing Goering that he had committed "high treason". 希特勒在鲍曼的怂恿下口授了一份电报,通知戈林,说他犯了叛国罪。
When I talk with goering, it's like a bath in steel for me; I feel fresh afterward. 我同戈林谈话,就好象洗了一次矿泉浴,感到精神为之一爽。
I know that Goering is lazy. 我知道戈林是个懒蛋。
Goering had switched sides because the Gestapo had proof of his drug addiction. 戈林之所以变卦,是因为秘密警察已经掌握了他吸吗啡上瘾的证据。
Goering was a dissolute and often wanted to sit on the hobbyhorse to get his haircuts. 戈林没大没小,经常想坐在摇动木马上理发,这让纳粹统帅部觉得面上无光,却拿他没办法。
But two nights later, under the impact of the disaster in the east, hitler, Goering and Jodl were in such a state that they thought it would not be necessary to ask the West for an armistice. 但是在两个晚上以后,在东线的灾难的打击下,希特勒、戈林和约德尔反而认为没有必要向西方要求停战了。