COMB in N-COUNT (用于theatre, church, film等词之后构成名词)表示“常去…的人” -goer is added to words such as 'theatre', 'church', and 'film' to form nouns which describe people who regularly go to that type of place or event.
So how do you take a maintainable Web site and turn it into a slim, sleek destination for Web goers and Web designers both? 那么,您如何接手一个可维护的Web站点并将其变成对于Web漫游者和Web设计者来说都很轻便、顺畅的目的地呢?
A new study has found that restaurant goers who pay more for their meals think the food is tastier than if it is offered for a smaller price. 一项新的研究发现,用餐者认为花费更多的食物比便宜食物的味道好。
In order to avoid them toppling on beach goers, he dismantles them after taking a picture for his gallery, which now includes photographs of dozens of incredible sculptures. 为了防止这些作品被沙滩上的游客推倒,阿德里安会先给他的作品拍照,放在自己的画廊中,然后亲自把它们拆掉。现在,他的画廊里已经有几十幅这种不可思议的艺术作品的照片了。
But as they unloaded the edible ammunition, the square and surrounding streets were suddenly awash in a sea of tomato sauce, covering the crowds of festival goers. 但当卡车人员把这些可食用的炸弹从车上卸下时,广场和周围的街道刹那间被西红柿酱淹没了,把参加盛会的人群炸开了花。
When we spoke to a few office goers and professionals, this was the reason they gave. 当我们与办公室白领和专业人士交谈时,这是他们给出的原因。
Over the years, the number of convention goers has grown dramatically. 历经这麽多年,年会与会人数剧幅成长。
Pat and Chris were real goers before they got married. 帕特和克里斯在他们结婚前行为放荡。
Film goers can vote here for their most favorite film in a month or year. 影迷可以在这里为自己最喜欢的电影投票。
NOT ME is a new venue located in the French Concession aimed to give party goers a new option from the usual hang-outs. NotMe是一个位于上海法租界与法册道契的新地点,目的是给好玩者一个新的选择。
An early effort to amaze cinema goers with special effects was Le Thaumaturge Chinois, a 1904 French film about a Chinese conjurer. 1904年,法国拍摄了一部有关中国魔术师的电影&《中国魔术》(LeThaumaturgeChinois),这是首部试图用特技效果让观众惊叹的影片之一。
Just as the saying goers: No garden is without weeds, computer games have also some disadvantages. 正像常言所说:没有无杂草的花园,计算机也有一些不足之处。
It would be infinitely preferable if EU leaders were to make a rational assessment of which countries are willing and able to stay in the euro and announce plans to work on an amicable and orderly divorce between the stayers and the goers. 如果欧盟领导人能够对哪些国家愿意并且能够留在欧元区作出合理的评估进而为留下的国家与离开的国家策划一场和平有序的分手,这种方式无疑更加可取。
Film goers attending the international festival at Cannes also faced long queues over the weekend as people struggled to get at their francs. 上周末因人们争相取现金,嘎纳国际电影节的参加者们也不得不在取钱时排队等候。
Most US movie goers don't have the patience to read subtitles. 大部分常去电影院的美国人都没有读字幕的耐心。
Computer generated imagery provided the chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans that movie goers see. 提供计算机生成图像,电影观众看到的黑猩猩,大猩猩和猩猩。
Festival goers dressed in Japanese imperial dynasty costumes parade through Tokyo's shopping districts. 艺术节观众,身着日本皇朝服饰巡游,通过东京的购物区。
The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh have left for home and turned the palace over to the party goers. 女王和爱丁堡公爵已经回家,将王宫留给参加派对的人。
As we made our way to the gate we passed through a busload of frustrated holiday goers and their screaming children. 我们从一群假日旅游者和他们大声叫喊的孩子们身边经过,向登机口走去,他们显然是累坏了,人数大概有一个公车的座位那么多。
Casino goers of the Aladdin hotel& casino in Las Vegas consider the former "baddest man on the planet" sparring in the ring in the casino. 拉斯韦加斯市阿拉丁酒店赌场的赌徒认为,前“行星上最坏的人”在赌场拳击赛中争斗。
About ten per cent of the population are regular church goers. 居民中约有百分之十经常去教堂做礼拜。
Mainly based on what forth goers have studied, this research put forward a new concept of brand communication, and tried best to give a relevant brand communication strategy according to these basic characteristics of new consumers. 品牌传播的研究主要在前人研究的基础上,提出了新的品牌传播概念,并针对新消费者的基本特征,尝试性地给出了相应的品牌传播策略。