Next unto him repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, of the goldsmiths. 其次是银匠,哈海雅的儿子乌薛修造。
Psychologists from Goldsmiths University of London, and Ohio State University in the US studied more than 13,000 twins aged nine to 16 from six countries, including the UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, Russia and the US. 来自伦敦金史密斯大学和美国俄亥俄州立大学的心理学家,研究了6个国家1.3万名9-16岁的双胞胎,这些国家包括英国,加拿大,日本,德国,俄罗斯和美国。
Deborah Custance and Jennifer Mayer of Goldsmiths College, London, set out to see if dogs could detect the emotional state of humans. 伦敦金史密斯大学的黛博拉?科斯坦斯与詹妮弗?梅耶正在着手研究狗,看它们能否察觉人类的情绪状态。
Goldsmiths supports a few graduates each year it considers "very special". 金匠行会每年都会支持几位它认为“非常特殊”的毕业生。
And between the going up of the corner unto the sheep gate repaired the goldsmiths and the merchants. 金匠和商人修筑城的角楼和羊门之间的那一段。
And between the high chamber of the corner and the Sheep Gate repairs were carried out by the goldsmiths and the merchants. 由城角堡至羊门中间的一段,归金匠和商人修理。
People are intrinsically interested in the superlatives of human experience, thinks Nick Couldry of Goldsmiths, University of London. 伦敦大学金斯密斯学院的尼克。克罗瑞这样认为,从本质上讲,人们都对人类最高经验感兴趣。
She is currently in her Ph.D.of the Curatorial and Visual Culture departments at Goldsmiths College in London. 最近,她开始在伦敦金史密斯大学策展和视觉文化学院攻读博士课程。
In Renaissance Italy, jewelry making reached the status of a fine art; many Italian sculptors trained as goldsmiths. 至文艺复兴时期,意大利人把珠宝制造提升到精美艺术的地位,许多意大利雕刻家都是从金匠出身。
But in a new study, a psychology expert at London's Goldsmiths College says these experiences are proof of the frailty of the human memory, rather than evidence of life in other galaxies. 英国专家近日表示,声称自己见过外星人的人可能是那些人的记忆系统出了某些问题而已。
But they were also brilliant goldsmiths and metal workers. 他们同暗是出色的金匠和金工匠。
LAM Wai-kit received her BA from the Fine Arts Department, Goldsmiths College, University of London in1996 and MFA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in2003. 林慧洁于1996年获英国伦敦大学金匠学院颁纯艺术学士学位及于2003年获香港中文大学颁纯艺术硕士学位。
Change button text to: Goldsmiths Computing: Arts, Media, Music, Design and Games. 更改按钮内容为:戈德史密斯电子计算学:艺术,媒体,音乐,设计和游戏。
Sweating out profit, goldsmiths shed clothes to work in a one-room factory in Kolkata. 在加尔各答的一家仅仅一间房的工厂里,由于出汗的原故,金匠们脱光衣服工作。
Its scale is much larger than that of "London rocks", and even includes a change of exhibitors halfway through its two-week run to accommodate all 160 silver and goldsmiths. 它的规模要比londonrocks大得多,在其两周的展出中,甚至还包括一个为期一周的展览者交流活动,供全部160家银匠和金匠参加。
There were people goldsmiths were people who worked in the metal gold and made beautiful things for people jewelry and other things. 有人,比如金匠就是是,铸造金的形状,并且为人民铸造美丽的东西的一群人,包括珠宝和一些其它的东西。
Johann Arens ( b.1981, Germany) Currently pursuing a master's degree at Goldsmiths College in London, UK. 约翰·阿伦斯(1981年出生于德国)目前在英国伦敦金史密斯学院攻读硕士学位。
Weren't many of these early banks goldsmiths in the beginning? 很多早期的银行在其一开始不就是由一些金匠们兴办起来的吗?
You can decide the rings design, working with goldsmiths and designers. 你可以决定戒指的设计,施工与金饰设计师。
Thirdly, it shows how an IP dispute, may be turned into a business opportunity, as the large company has now become a key client of the small firm of goldsmiths. 第三,它说明了如何将知识产权争议转化为商机,现在这家大公司已成为金匠小型企业的重要客户。
The college has a partnership with Goldsmiths, University of London. 该所大学同伦敦的金斯密斯学院有合作关系。
The financial structure of the west not only faces the change of financial mode in the meaning of Goldsmiths, but also the transition of bank system. 西部金融结构不但面临戈氏意义上的金融模式转变,更要面临金融体制的转轨。