The histopathological changes of gonad atrophy disease scallop of Argopecten irradians Lamarck were systematically studied by the way of histology and histochemistry at the light microscope level. 利用组织学与组织化学染色方法,在光镜下研究了患“性腺萎缩症”海湾扇贝的组织病理学变化。
Histological studies on gonad of Siganus canaliculatus in breeding season 长鳍篮子鱼繁殖季节性腺的组织学研究
Preliminary Research of the Differential Expression Protein of Gonad During the Monopterus Albus Developing 黄鳝生殖发育不同时期性腺差异蛋白的初步研究
Toxic effect of methoxychlor on the female rat gonad 甲氧滴滴涕对大鼠雌性性腺的毒性作用
Influence of androgen exposure in late trimester of pregnancy on gonad development and reproduction function of filial female rats 妊娠晚期高雄环境对子代雌鼠性腺发育及生殖功能的影响
Experimental Study of Toxic Effect on Female Gonad Induced by N-Hexane in Rats 正己烷对雌性大鼠性腺毒性作用实验研究
Gonad of reared T.fasciatus can become mature under controlled conditions without migration. 暗纹东方鲀在人工养殖条件下,性腺能发育成熟,可进行人工催产繁殖。
Study on Arsenic Trioxide of Gonad Toxicities and Possible Mechanisms in Rats 三氧化二砷对雌鼠性腺毒性及其机制的研究
Study on Inheritance Divergence of Transposons in Polyploidy Fish and Gonad Development of Gynogenetic Fish in Molecular Biology 多倍体鱼转座子的遗传变异和雌核发育鱼性腺发育的分子生物学研究
Discussions on the gonad specific gene expression in mammals 哺乳动物性腺特异表达基因研究进展
Emphasis should be placed on the sex choice and gonad treatment. 治疗应着重于性别选择和性腺处理两个方面;
Mammalian primordial germ cells form and migrate to the gonad during embryonic development. 在胚胎发育时期,原始生殖细胞形成并迁移至生殖腺,形成种系囊。
Studies on Gonad and Sex Control in Amur Sturgeon 施氏鲟的性腺发育及人工性别控制研究
Environmental Screening, Computational and Biological Characterization of Endocrine Disruptors, in Respect to Receptor Binding, Embryo and Gonad Physiology. 就受体结合,胚胎及生殖腺生理方面对内分泌干扰素进行环境检查,计算机及生物学的描述。
This doctor is experienced in treating gonad diseases. 这位医生对治疗生殖腺疾病非常有经验。
Objective To study the effects of tail suspension on gonad and spermatic hormone in male rats. 目的探讨尾部悬吊对雄性大鼠生殖腺及生殖激素的影响。
Estrogen is one of steroid hormones, which is mainly synthesized and secreted by the gonad. 雌激素主要是由性腺合成及分泌的一种类固醇激素。
The inhibin, a glycoprotein hormone from gonad, acts as a negative feedback regulator of FSH. 抑制素是一种主要由性腺分泌的糖蛋白激素,对FSH起负反馈调节物作用。
Studies on biochemical composition and histochemical reactions of gonad and digestive gland of Sinonovacula constricta 梭鱼中-腺垂体及其组织化学研究(四)反应系统。缢蛏性腺和消化腺的生化组成与组化反应
The influence of nonylphenol on the gonad of fishes and the accumulation in the tissue of fish body 壬基酚在鱼体组织中的累积及对鱼类性腺的影响
The influence of pollutants on the frog gonad growth might lead to decline of amphibian animal population. 污染物对蛙类生殖腺发育的影响会导致两栖动物种群的衰退。
The purpose of doing this experiment is to observe the toxicity to gonad and kidney. 本人此实验的目的旨在用阿霉素肾病模型,比较雷公藤多甙与肾复康的临床生化指标和血浆放免指标,观察其性腺毒性、肝功能损害及对延缓肾衰的不同作用。
The proteins of both gonad and liver are lower, less that 70%. 性腺和肝脏的蛋白质都比较低,小于70%。
It is demonstrated that these metabolism signals can act on the level of hypothalamic, pituitary and gonad. 研究表明,代谢信号对下丘脑、垂体和卵巢均有影响。
ATZ has adverse impact on the growth and development of aquatic life, also can affect the gonad development and reproduction, the structure of testis, influence the formation of sperm and even cause its damage. ATZ可以对水生生物的生长和发育产生不利的影响,还能够影响性腺的发育和生殖,对精巢的结构、精子的生成和活力产生干扰甚至出现损伤。
The effects of low lipid levels on gonad development, gonad index, the contents of serum estradiol and testosterone, sex ratio and the ration of mortality were significant. 饲料中的低脂肪水平,尤其是1%和2%的脂肪水平,对黄鳝的性腺发育,性腺指数,血清雌二醇和睾酮含量,以及性比和死亡率有显著性影响。