For if there was to be a social science, and accordingly, historical prophecy, the main course of history must be predetermined, and neither good-will nor reason had power to alter it. 历史的主要进程必然是预先被设定的,因此,无论是善意或理性,都无法改变它。
Meanwhile, we accept and appreciate the criticism and correction of good-will from STAPLES China. 同时,我们也接受史泰博中国方面的善意批评和指正。
Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will; 直至偏执和偏见和恶意的和不人道的自身利益已取代理解和宽容和良好的意志;
A tourist abroad can be an ambassador of good-will for his country. The travel agent telephones saying that the ticket is ready for collection. 国外旅游者可以做本国的亲善代表。旅游代理人来电话说可以取票了。
And yet she was a happy woman, and a woman whom no one named without good-will. 不过她倒是个乐呵呵的女人,谁说起她都觉得她不错。
They not only stand against China, but also against all the good-will people around the world. 他们的做法不仅是在同中国作对,也是同有着善良意愿的世界人民作对。
And the "Spy-glass" is sold, lease and good-will and rigging; ‘望远镜’酒店连同租约、信誉和全部家当都卖出去了;
After a successful career in business, he was appointed good-will ambassador. 他在事业上取得成就之后就被任命为亲善大使。
He visited the countries on good-will tours. 他对一些国家进行了友好访问。
And do justice to the one, and something more than justice to the other. Though your abilities are small, yet a hearty good-will is sufficient to supply all defects. 人人都会有缺陷,但要公正而善意地对待别人的这个或那个不足。虽说你的本领不大,但你那一颗真挚的心就足以弥补你所有的缺陷。
There was more of good-will than grace in his performance; 他的演唱与其说是优美,不如说是投入;
He suggested that a practical activity that British businesses should consider, which would cost little, buy enormous good-will might pay off still further in the future, would be to sponsor Chinese students for participation in European University courses. 他建议英国企业应考虑的一个有实用价值的行动是赞助中国学生参与欧洲大学的课程,这么做花钱不多,但能赢得极大赞誉,而且可能在未来收益更大。
In this article the author points out the nature and features of internet ethics, focuses on the discussion of its essential norms friendliness and proposes for it four basic norms ethics as "patrioticness"," observance"," harmlessness" and "good-will". 本文从研究网络道德的本质及特点出发,重点探讨了网络道德基本规范的内容,提出了爱国、守法、无害、友善四条网络基本道德规范要求。
As good-will, good-emotion, and intuitive knowledge, conscience is closely related to human's freedom essence. 良心作为良意、良情、良知,与人的自由本质密不可分。
In the contemporary China that is developing the socialism market economy, it usually occurs the infringement of the right of good-will of commercial bodies. 在建设社会主义市场经济的当代中国,侵害商主体商誉权的案件经常发生。意志是第一性的,理性则是由意志派生出来的,理性命定为意志服务。
Part four: In sum, the author thinks that that good-will principle can take on the important task of linking up the truth, faith and meaning and the understanding of others can be reached with good will as the starting point. 第四部分:总结全文认为善意原则最终能够担当沟通真理、信念和意义的重任,在善意的出发点上达成对他人和世界的理解。
The resulting legal problems is how to coordinate the interests conflict between the unregistered mutual party and the good-will third party when the registration of unauthorized disposition of the property rights. 由此带来的法律问题是,登记的权利人擅自处分该房产时,如何协调好未登记的共有人和善意第三人之间的利益冲突。