It actualizes stability control in the Googol linear Inverted pendulum system, and analyses the advantage and disadvantage through the simulation result. 成功地在固高公司的倒立摆台体上实现稳定控制,并且在仿真结果中分析了其优缺点。
With high-speed and high-precision, GE collection motion controller that Googol produces, can satisfy the developing requirements of carving processing. 固高公司生产的GE系列运动控制器,其高速、高精度的技术水平适应雕刻加工发展的要求。
What was the story behind the naming of the number "googol"? 是什么背后的故事命名的一些“天文数字”?
Dirac's Googol Hypothesis tells us that there exists the relationship of approximate equality of quantity levels among some very large numbers, while Dicke's Anthropic Principle points out that this kind of equality results from the present universal stage which is suitable for human existence. 狄拉克的大数假说认为一些大数之间存在着数量级大致相等的关系,而迪克的人择原理则认为这种相等是基于我们现在的宇宙正处于适于人类生存的这个阶段的缘故。
Real emulate using the designed control methods by means of the Googol MATLAB real time control software; 借助固高科技MATLAB实时控制软件实验平台,利用设计的控制方法对单级倒立摆系统进行实时控制,通过在线调整参数和突加干扰等,研究其实时性和抗干扰等性能;
Firstly, based on a two-dimensional numerical control turntable product by googol company, a precise mathematic model of the turntable is established by langrage equation. 本论文以深圳固高公司生产的GPT200系列二维数控转台为研究背景,采用拉格朗日方程建立了转台控制系统的数学模型。
The researching results of this paper are applied to linear inverted pendulum experiment equipment produced by googol technology LTD so as to verify the effectiveness of the control law. The results of experiments proves that the controller via this method has a good control effect. 作为对理论工作的验证,将设计的控制器应用到固高科技有限公司生产的直线倒立摆实验设备上,实验表明该方法得到的控制器具有较好的控制效果。
Then, the mechanical structure and function of the stone bridge cutting machine is introduced briefly. The system hardware structure is constructed and the googol motion control card is used as the control core. 然后简单介绍了石材桥式切割机的机械结构及功能,并以固高GTS运动控制卡为控制核心搭建石材桥式切割机数控系统硬件结构。
And the generation of big prime number and the googol computation are also solved in this system. 在系统的实现过程中,还主要解决了大素数的生成以及大数运算等问题。
Based on this architecture, the structure of the Open-CNC platform based on GTS motion controller of Googol Company was studied, as well as its functions, communication model and interface of NC platform Layer. 然后基于此架构利用固高公司GTS运动控制器构建了一个开放式数控平台,并且对该平台的主要功能、架构以及模块之间的通信模型和数据接口进行了分析与设计。