It gave someone gooseflesh and he shuddered all over. 毛骨悚然,通体寒栗。
It was so cold I was gooseflesh all over. 冻得我直起鸡皮疙瘩。
When Wu sun-fu arrived home and got out of the car, he shivered and went gooseflesh all over. 到了家从车里出来时,吴荪甫猛然打一个寒噤,浑身汗毛都直竖了。
Cucumber feels very cold and gets gooseflesh all over his body. 黄瓜感到很冷,全身冷得起了鸡皮疙瘩。
I got gooseflesh just thinking about how angry dad was going to be. 想到爸爸会多生气我浑身就起鸡皮疙瘩。
Her body went gooseflesh at over when she overheard all the flattery Henry was paying to his boss. 当她听到亨利向他的老板说出那些谄媚的话时,就全身起鸡皮疙瘩。
You can still see and feel the@ gooseflesh@ on cucumbers. 你仍然可以在黄瓜身上摸到鸡皮疙瘩。
The arrectores pilorum are attached to the hair follicles below the sebaceous glands and, in contracting, pull the hair follicle upward, producing gooseflesh. 立毛肌附着于皮脂腺之下的毛囊,当它收缩时,牵拉毛囊直立,产生鸡皮疙瘩。