戈耳工蛇发女怪(古希腊神话中三个蛇发女怪之一,人见之即化为石头) (in ancient Greek stories) one of three sisters with snakes on their heads instead of hair, who can change anyone that looks at them into stone
丑陋凶恶的女人 an ugly woman who behaves in an aggressive and frightening way
The gossip who did this thing was a gorgon named Madame Victurnien, the guardian and door-keeper of every one's virtue. 做这件事的长舌妇是个叫维克杜尼昂夫人的母夜叉,她是所有一切人的贞操的守卫和司阍。
The Naga princess was named after the legendary gorgon who turned her foes into stone. 这位纳迦族公主的名字,和传说中能石化敌人的蛇发女妖一样。
Chevron last year said it would consider a big expansion of its Gorgon natural gas project off the Western Australian coast, after the US oil group and its partners approved a A$ 43bn initial spending programme. 雪佛龙(Chevron)去年表示,将考虑大幅扩建西澳大利亚近海的高更(Gorgon)天然气项目,此前这家美国石油集团及其合作伙伴批准了一项430亿澳元的初期投资计划。
Perseus, favored by Minerva and Mercury, set out against the Gorgon. 珀尔修斯在密涅瓦和墨丘利的庇护下出发去征服这蛇发女妖。
( Greek mythology) a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena; she was slain by Perseus. (希腊神话)让雅典娜变为蛇发女怪的女子,后为珀尔修斯所杀。
We believe God and so the curse of the Gorgon has no power with us. 我们相信上帝,因此蛇妖的诅咒对我们无能为力。
Shell in 2007 signed a "sales and purchase" agreement with PetroChina for Gorgon LNG, while chevron has agreements with three Japanese utilities. 2007年,壳牌与中石油就高更项目液化天然气签署了“销售和采购”协议,同时雪佛龙与3家日本公用事业企业签署了协议。
I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon. 我问他这是什么,他告诉我这是蛇发女怪美杜莎。
Our teacher is a real gorgon! 我们的老师真是个可怕的女人。
PetroChina, China's largest energy company, this month agreed to buy US$ 41bn worth of Gorgon LNG over a20-year period from ExxonMobil. 中石油,中国最大的能源公司,本月决定在未来的20年期间从埃克森美孚公司购买410亿美金的高更天然气。
[ The agreement] sets a new benchmark for LNG supplies into China and underlines Shell's commitment to Chinese LNG customers and to the Gorgon project, he said. 他表示:(该协议)为向中国供应LNG设定了新的基准,并突出体现了壳牌对中国LNG客户和对高更项目的承诺。
Executives at CNOOC and Chevron said the discussions over Gorgon, a vast field off the coast of West Australia coast, had stalled over pricing but had not been abandoned. 中海油和雪佛龙的管理人员表示,围绕高更项目的谈判因价格原因而停滞不前,但双方并未放弃。高更是澳大利亚西部沿海一个大型天然气田。
Her step-mother, who hated her, was an absolute gorgon. 她的继母是个专横跋扈的女人,很恨她。
Immediately a spirit came out of the bottle. They would not be devoured by this gorgon of the East. 他们不愿被这个东部的妖怪吃掉。
What it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon. 他告诉我那是蛇发女怪美杜莎。
Let the true power of the Gorgon be unleashed on Aurax. 让蛇发女怪真正的魔法释放到你的身上吧。
And the Gorgon would appear, and tell them, As you believe, so shall you do. “和庚会出现,并告诉他们,”如你相信,所以你应做的。
He said the gas would come from the Gorgon field, which has yet to be developed. 他提到将在高庚地区开采天然气,那里已经不得不开发了。
The power of the Gorgon, it has found it's new host. 蛇发女怪的魔法,它找到了新的主人。
They come to Garden of Stygia and find the three Stygian Witches, who tell Perseus that the head of the Gorgon Medusa could kill the Kraken. 他们来到冥界,找到了地狱三女巫。这三个女巫告诉珀尔修斯,蛇发女怪美杜莎的头颅可以杀死挪威海怪。
Peter Garrett, Minister for the environment, said Gorgon had undergone a high level of scrutiny before it was deemed acceptable. 澳大利亚环境部长彼得加勒特(petergarrett)表示,在批准高更项目之前,已对其进行了高水平的审查。
The fruit of years of negotiations, Gorgon will also revolutionise the politics of energy in Asia, helping China and Japan loosen their dependence on coal, while catapulting Australia to the top ranks of the global LNG producers. 作为多年谈判的成果,高更项目还将彻底改写亚洲能源政治,帮助中国和日本减轻对煤炭的依赖,同时将澳大利亚送入全球领先的液化天然气生产国之列。
Research of Mechanical Processing and Match Machinery for Gorgon Fruit 试论芡实机械加工及配套机具研究
The research of processing technology and industrialization of machinery for gorgon fruit can break through the restricting bottleneck of planting easily and processing difficulty, which can bring gorgon fruit mechanization, enlarge planting area, develop green& export agriculture and bring beyond measure economic and social benefit. 研究芡实加工技术及商品产业化配套机具,突破种植容易加工难的制约瓶颈,将带动芡实生产产业化,扩大种植面积,发展绿色创汇农业,给芡实产区带来无可估量的经济和社会效益。