'He gotcha, Helen. Give the boy credit.' “他答对了,海伦。该表扬这个男孩。”
'Gotcha, didn't I?' “我可逮着你了,是不是?”
Although this Groovy shortcut syntax for Maps is undeniably cool, it is also the source of a common gotcha when you use reflection on Maps. 不可否认,Groovy针对Map的这种便捷语法非常酷,但这也是在对Map使用反射时引起一些常见问题的原因。
This last issue is a real gotcha. 这最后一个问题实在是一件麻烦事情。
The only time you are likely to encounter this is if you are trying to include binary data in your document, but this can be another gotcha situation. 只有您试图在文档中包含二进制数据时才会遇到这种情况,但这是另一种转向(gotcha)情况。
One gotcha to avoid: On UNIX systems, file names are case sensitive. 其中有一个缺点需要避免:在UNIX系统中,文件名是区分大小写的。
Never clear off your desk by randomly throwing things in a drawer. Gotcha! You will eventually have to go. 不要为了整理你的桌子而随便把东西扔进抽屉里。我明白了!你将最终需要检查你每一个抽屉。实际上,你。
There are several caveats to this process and many gotcha's. 有几个注意事项这一进程,许多疑难杂症的。
The biggest gotcha is that expiration date. 最大的猫腻在截止日期。
Before you say," is she sorry she said it," this was a "gotcha" sound bite that, look. 在你说“她后悔这样说过吗”之前,这是一个“抓住你”的好诱饵,看起来。
The biggest gotcha is that most people have already optimized for the limitations of Java. 最大的问题则是大多数人已经针对Java本身的局限性做了优化。
But there's a gotcha: its disappearance in overdoped materials that nonetheless still superconduct. 不过有个问题:它在过度掺杂但仍具有超导性的材料中消失了。
If you catch your boyfriend cheating on you, you can walk up and declare, Gotcha! 如果你发现男朋友对你不忠,你可以走过去向他宣告:Gotcha!
The first gotcha I ran into stems from the use of Dependency properties. 第一个疑难杂症我冲进源于依赖物业的使用。
Mr Penn says he personally does not represent clients on labour issues and adds that those who attempt to connect his work for Burson with the campaign are playing a "false game of gotcha". 佩恩表示,他本人并不在劳工问题方面代表客户,他还补充道,那些试图将他在博雅的工作与总统竞选活动联系在一起的人“玩错了把戏”。
AE: Gotcha. How does a Welsh actor wind up on an American television show? 知道了。一个威尔士演员是怎样成功出演一部美国电视剧的?
Gotcha! Shouted tom, as he jumped out from behind the door and leapt onto his father's back. 我抓住你了!汤姆从门后跳出然后跳到他父亲背上时大叫。
Another gotcha is: you must make sure that the spaces are placed between your angle brackets and the name. 另一种疑难杂症是:你必须确保空格之间的尖括号和名称上。
Gotcha! they're being very, very quiet. 你中招了!,他们变得非常非常安静。