
英 [ˈɡaʊdʒɪz] 美 [ˈɡaʊdʒɪz]

v.  凿; 敲(某人)的竹杠; (向某人)诈骗钱财,漫天要价
n.  凿子; 凿成的槽(或孔、洞)


  1. VERB 凿;挖
    If you gouge something, you make a hole or a long cut in it, usually with a pointed object.
    1. He gouged her cheek with a screwdriver.
    2. ...quarries which have gouged great holes in the hills.
    3. Gouge is also a noun.
    4. ...a muddy gouge in the ground.
  2. 凿子
    A gouge is a tool which is used for cutting and shaping wood.
    1. VERB 诈骗…的钱财;敲…的竹杠;向…漫天要价
      If you say that a business gouges its customers, you mean that it forces them to pay an unfairly high price for its goods or services.
      1. Banks and credit-card companies have been accused of gouging their customers.


    1. Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting.
    2. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were missing.
    3. In a fit of despair and self-loathing, he suffocates the vegetable with a pillow, eats and spits out parts, then furiously gouges out its features before ravenously consuming the rest and bursting into sobs.
    4. Frictional sliding of pyroxene and plagioclase gouges under hydrothermal conditions
    5. There are the empty gouges giving love is taking a chance.
    6. What about these gouges here?
    7. The motion mode and date of the fault activity can be identified by observation of micro-shape characteristics of quartz in the gouges.
    8. F2 fault movement characteristics are judged by the fault gouges 'fractal dimension that was calculated by fractal theory, and the stability of F2 fault is studied.
    9. Study on SEM Characteristics of Quartz Grains in the Fault Gouges of the Main Faults and the Fault Activity in the Lancang River Valley
    10. It is pointed out that the magnitude of the fractal dimension values of fracture systems and water systems reflects complexity of the active faults and their tectonic activity features. The authors discuss the relationship between fractal dimensions, physical mechanical properties of fault gouges and fault movement features.
    11. Correlation between the Fractal Dimension of Fault Gouges and Fault Activity in Active Fault Zones
    12. The strength of the samples with different fault gouges was studied under different pressure, temperature and pore pressure.
    13. By taking Tao Yuan F2 fault gouges for research object, the relationship between fault gouges 'fractal feature and fault movement characteristic is studied based on fractal theory.
    14. With the parameter TL, the difficulties in judging the fault activity by only using the D value of gouges may be overcome, thus new applications of the fractal theory are found to the quantitative judgement of recent fault activity in bedrock areas.
    15. Frictional strength and velocity dependence of serpentine gouges under hydrothermal conditions and their seismogeological implications
    16. Two kinds of mechanical damage defects such as gouges and dents were detected in the experiment.
    17. The strength of samples with quartz and calcite gouges was measured at elevated temperatures and confining pressures.
    18. This paper makes a study for seven types of the SEM characteristics of the mineral arrangements of the gouges in Anninghe fault zone.
    19. By treating experimental data, the characteristics of the grain size, mineral and chemistry ingredients, the mechanical and physical properties of the fault gouges are expatiated.
    20. Application of Fault Gouges from the Site of A Pumping Storage Power Station
    21. The research work o? the frictional behavior of simulated Fault gouges is reviewed in this paper.
    22. Fractal structures of gouges and features of fault movement
    23. The dynamic young's modulus and shear modulus of gouges have been gained from the data of wave velocity. It has shown that the dynamic young's modulus is in one magnitude order higher than the static one, early obtained.
    24. Gouges of the Hun River Fault in Fushun Open Pit and Their Engineering Significance
    25. The result indicated that the last activity ages of the faults which are difined by thermoluminescence dating of fault gouges are in the middle and the late Pleistocene, and in the late Pleistocene and Holocene along the coast.
    26. The characteristics and significances of quartz MICO-APPEARANCE in the fault gouges on Evaluation of the fault activity
    27. Effects of Fault Gouges on Stick Sliding
    28. On this basis, using UG/ CAM NC programming module optimize the processing path, tool path and cutting mode of processing parameters. The gouges between cutting tools and the part are disappeared.