She couldn't stand his blunt, graceless manner. 她无法忍受他的唐突和粗鲁。
Heidi Withers was berated as graceless and unladylike in a vitriolic email from Carolyn Bourne, the stepmother of her future husband Freddie Bourne, a businessman. 在一封来自未婚夫、商人费雷迪•伯恩继母卡罗琳•伯恩的刻薄邮件中,准新娘海蒂•威瑟斯被指责“粗野”、“不淑女”。
You know I'm such a graceless dog that these religious aspects of such subjects don't edify me such. 你知道,我是个不可救药的人,宗教对这种问题的看法对我没多大教益。
Rough and graceless would be such greeting, but truth is handsomer than the affectation of love. 这些话语粗砺也不文雅,但事实就是胜于矫柔造作的爱。
These days, are fast, love don't last in this graceless age. 这个时代,变化太快,爱情都无法从容。
Too superstitious to them what will bring about the low vulgarization of culture and speech is graceless change. 对他们过于迷信将会导致文化的低俗化和话语的粗野化。
It was rather graceless of her not to say thank you for all the help he gave her. 她对他给予她的所有帮助都不说声谢谢,这有点不太得体。
He was so graceless, so eager to shock. 他是那样不懂礼貌,那样急于要吓唬人。
It was a bit graceless of her considering the expense I'd incurred on her behalf. 考虑到我为她付出的代价,她实在太不领情了。
A room cluttered with ugly graceless furniture 零乱地摆着丑陋不雅的家具的房间
The dresses were graceless and expensive. 这些衣服不好看,而且很贵。