I know, grama, that's why I'm trying to put together a roll here. 我知道的,格兰玛,这就是这两天我拼着命赚钱。
No, no, we're just here to see grama. 不,不,我们只是来见格兰玛的。
The Vedic grama could have a pur, or a fort-like structure within it. 吠陀的加玛会咕噜咕噜地叫,或者有城堡般的建筑在里面。
Blue Grama grass is used as pasturage and lawns and mixed with the other native grass such as Buffalo grass for ground covers. 蓝色格兰马草可以与其他的草种混合,比如野牛草。他们可以一起作为牧场和草坪草地的地被植物。
We're not dealing with grama. 我们不是和格兰玛做交易。
The Study on Improving Soil by Planting Grama 格拉姆柱花草对土壤改良作用的研究