The granaries containing last year's harvest are nearly empty. 贮存去年收割的粮食的谷仓几乎空了。
The granaries are full. 粮仓丰满。
With its storehouses bursting with grain, the farm had to build more granaries. 农场的仓库都堆满了粮食,只好新盖一些谷仓。
When the granaries are full, people respect rites and obligations. 仓廪实而知礼节。(《管子》)
Two granaries located nearby, holding about 8,600 tons of stock, were so damaged that the grains burst out, shattering the iron doors. 附近两个储存有8600吨粮食的仓库也严重受损,仓库铁门被损坏,谷物也撒了出来。
The museum was founded on the site of the old government depot, which had warehouses and granaries on the west bank of the river. 郑和文化馆是在官厂旧址上修建的,它在河的西岸设有库房和粮仓。
In that light, we can think of the domestic cat as an ecological response to the emergence of parasites ( rodents attracted by early Neolithic granaries). 鉴于此,我们可以这样看:在新石器时代早期,人类储藏谷物的地方就招来了老鼠,而家猫的出现,则是生态系统对这些吃白食的啮齿动物做出的反应。
Because of Moses there is no wheat in the temple granaries. 就是因为他庙宇的谷仓都没有谷物了。
Sell the grain stored in granaries at fair prices 把仓库存里的粮食按平价卖出
The cattle on a thousand hills will suffice for our most hungry feeding, and the granaries of heaven are not likely to be emptied by our eating. 千山上的牛群足以饱足我们的饥肠,天上的粮仓无论如何不会被我们吃完。
A small building, usually with slatted sides, for storing corn. But now they have been adapted for use as storehouses or granaries. 粮仓贮存谷物用的四周用板条围起的小建筑物不过现在它们已经被改建,用作库房或粮仓了。
They had a plentiful harvest earlier this month, but all sweetcorn and rice in their granaries have rotted or sprouted after being soaked in floodwater. 村民在九月初沉浸在丰收的喜悦里,洪水来袭后不仅家具和衣物被浸泡,连仓库里的玉米和稻谷已开始发霉发芽。
The most significant ruins in Range Creek are all high, inaccessible sites, many of them granaries. 在牧溪峡谷,最有价值的遗址都在很高、常人难以接近的地方,它们当中许多是粮仓。
The government kept granaries which operated like banks, accepting private "deposits" of grain. 政府仍旧开放相当于银行的粮仓,允许人们存放个人的谷物。
They could store their food in granaries, and still afford to give birth every two years, if not more often. 他们可以把食物存于仓廪,供养得起每两年生一个孩子,如果说不是常常生得更多的话。
What are bursting granaries compared with him, who is the Husbandman, and feeds thee with the bread of heaven? 谷仓爆满了,能与以天上的粮食喂养你的那一位相比较吗?
Lineages and Charitable Granaries: Charitable Relief in the Yixing and Jingxi Areas during the Qing Dynasty; I've just won a prize on the Premium Bonds. Let's go out and paint the town red! 宗族与义仓:清代宜兴荆溪社区赈济实态我买政府有奖债券中了奖,让我们出去庆贺一番!
A state that merely survives enriches the high officials, and a state that is about to perish, enriches its the king's own granaries and storehouses. 没落的国家,只图增加中上层贵族们的财富;濒于灭亡的国家,只图增加君王自己的库存财物。
They turned the hills into orchards and plains into granaries. 他们把山坡变成了果园,把平地变成了粮仓。
These days, the best place to eat Peking Duck is at the new branch of the Beijing Da Dong Roast Duck Restaurant, which stands amid the former imperial granaries. 如今,吃北京烤鸭最好的地方是在北京大董烤鸭店(DaDongRoastDuckRestaurant)的新分店,该店位于曾经的皇家粮仓内。
Such is the object of all buildings for industrial purposes; all manufactories, warehouses, docks, granaries, barns, farm-buildings devoted to cattle, or to the operations of agricultural labour. 所有工业用建筑物,如厂房、仓库、船坞,以及谷仓、牲口棚或农业劳动用房,其目的都是如此。
They would light new fires and offer sacrifices of crops and animals. With its storehouses bursting with grain, the farm had to build more granaries. 祭司们重新生起火堆,献上谷物和动物作为祭品。农场的仓库都堆满了粮食,只好新盖一些谷仓。
Having failed to stock the granaries in the boom years, the Treasury faces the highest deficits since comparable data began in 1963. 由于在盛世未能未雨绸缪,英国财政部将面临自1963年有参照数据以来最严重的赤字。
This year however, a terrible draught hits the region and the termites, usually a precious ally to the Mofu, have left the fields and invaded the huts and granaries. 但今年,一场严重的旱灾袭击了当地的居民和白蚁。白蚁原为当地人的珍贵同盟,但旱灾后蚂蚁大举入侵他们的房屋和谷仓。
The traditional social security system's taxation such as these granaries was closely connected with the decline of the Yuan Dynasty. 诸如常平义仓之类的传统社会保障制度的废弛,与元朝的灭亡有着不可分割的联系。
Granary with ventilation troughs, as widely used in China, is a kind of granaries with rectangular flat base ventilation troughs built on the ground, and positive pressure ventilation is generally adopted. 通风槽干燥仓在我国被广泛采用,它是一种地面开有通风槽的矩形平底粮仓,采用正压通风,这种通风方式存在通风死角,导致局部粮食霉变。
The first three forms of the public granaries in Southeast Shanxi make more influence. 其中前三种形式对晋东南社仓影响较大。
First of all, traces the origin of the public granaries. 首先追溯社仓的起源。
The first part introduces the establishment background of the public granaries in Southeast Shanxi during the Qing Dynasties. 第一部分介绍了清代晋东南社仓创设的时代背景。
With the fast pace of reconstruction, rebuilding of high precision, strong anti-jamming capability advantages, such as industrial furnaces and granaries have good applicability. 具有重建速度快,重建精度高,抗干扰能力较强等优势,对工业炉和粮仓均有良好的适用性。