Wearing a short-sleeve, collared shirt and jeans, Mr. Binney looked like a grandfatherly professor amid the crowd of activists, some wearing Anonymous masks. ' 宾尼身穿短袖带领衬衫和牛仔裤,在一群活动人士中就像是一位慈祥亲切的教授,一些活动人士戴着掩盖身份的口罩。
Highly unlikely that happens with Buffett, both because of his legal rights and his grandfatherly gravitas. 这种情况不可能出现在巴菲特身上,这既是因为他拥有合法权力,也因为他有着祖父一样的气场。
Indeed, Benedict has seemed in good form since he was elected pope, and he has something of an ageless, grandfatherly look, with a thick shock of white hair that he has sported for decades. 事实上,本笃十六世似乎状态很好,因为他被选为教皇,他已与白头发,他的一个永恒厚休克,祖父看的东西,几十年来炫耀。
They had all the raw skill and enthusiasm of youth, but they couldn't understand how such a grandfatherly type could whip them so consistently. 他们具备年轻人的干劲和热情,但他们不明白,这样一个爷爷辈的家伙怎么总是能赢自己。
Men of grandfatherly age were the worst for asking if you wanted to grow up to be president. 爷爷辈年纪的人是最令人讨厌的,他们老是问你是不是想长大了当总统这个问题。
The council's chairman, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, a grandfatherly former justice minister, has even threatened to step down if victorious rebels embarrass him by carrying out revenge murders. 理事会主席MustafaAbdelJalil,一位慈祥的前法律部长。他威胁说:如果得胜的反抗军因为开展复仇清算,而使他难堪,他将会立即辞职。
Yet there is more, and it is why Einstein transcends mere genius and has become our culture's grandfatherly icon. 当然爱因斯坦意味的并不仅仅是这些,他已经超越了科学天才的范畴,成为人类文明中德高望重的偶像。