Researchers found evidence that grandmasters rely significantly on a vast store of knowledge of game positions, very carefully structured, which has been accumulated over a long period of time. 研究人员发现,有证据表明,大师们非常依赖细致构建的庞大的战局知识储备,这种储备是他们长期累积的结果。
Today, chess programs have become so good that even grandmasters sometimes struggle to understand the logic behind some of their moves. 时至今日,计算机象棋程序变得如此精妙,哪怕是象棋冠军有时候要绞尽脑汁才能理解它们所运行的每一步后面的逻辑。
England has more than twenty grandmasters. 英国有20多名国际象棋夫师。
Over several decades, psychologists have explored how chess grandmasters obtain their advantage over lesser players. 数十年来,心理学家对国际象棋大师在与较弱选手对弈时如何获得优势进行了探索。
Masters and Grandmasters can have NPC's who can travel across the land to market and sell their goods. 师傅级和大师级可以让NPC跨区域搜索市场,出售自己的货物。
As long as Moore's Law continues, ever more powerful computers available at ever decreasing prices will eventually put the chess-processing power of today's grandmasters in our children's hands. 只要摩尔定律继续下去,价格不断下降、能力不断增强的计算机将最终把如今大师级象棋的处理能力带给我们的孩子的手中。