Opponents of the measure say it's political grandstanding that could prove devastating to the economy. 反对该措施的人士认为这是一场政治作秀,会对经济发展带来严重的打击。
No taxpayer money was involved, and the investigations, it seems, are largely pro-regulation political grandstanding with a dose of schadenfreude thrown in. 这些交易丝毫不牵涉到纳税人的钱,相关调查似乎主要是为了顺应加强监管的政治表演,不过其中还夹杂着哗众取宠和幸灾乐祸的意味。
The topic may be obvious, but a close reading prompts an urge to question whether it could have been said with fewer words and less grandstanding. 主旨可能显而易见,但细细读来你可能会想,如果用更少的字来说,少一些故作姿态呢?
Many seats in the grand hall were empty, as they often remain during the speeches because leaders prefer to chat in the hallways or simply escape the grandstanding on stage. 大厅内的多数座位都空着,就是在演讲进行的时候那些座位上也没有人。因为领导人们更喜欢在走廊处闲谈,或许也是为了避免台上这种哗众取宠的演说吧。
( Hong Kongers, used to grandstanding politicians, were less enamoured.) (早已习惯哗众取宠的政客的香港人,则没有那么被打动。)
For its part, the US should stop grandstanding via the television cameras and should think hard before it sails warships past Chinese-built islands. 美国则应停止在电视上哗众取宠,对于派军舰驶近中国新建岛屿的事情应三思。
Grandstanding on topics you know little about makes you disingenuous& your deception oozes from every paragraph to an informed reader. 在自己知之甚少的话题上哗众取宠,会让读者感觉你不诚实&在有见地的读者眼中,你的每一段文字都透露着欺骗。
It's 'grandstanding,' says another manager with a tech multinational. 'There are far more important bilateral business and trade issues for both countries.' 另一家高科技跨国企业的经理说,这种言论无非是为了哗众取宠,对中美两国来说,还有很多重要得多的双边经贸问题值得关注。
I will not tolerate grandstanding in my courtroom. 我不会允许在我的庭上哗众取宠。
Are you grandstanding for TV cameras? 你是想上电视吗?
But if combative rhetoric and political grandstanding prevail, then the economic calculus may shift from protecting mutual benefits to assessing which side will be hurt more if economic pressures are brought to bear. 但是,如果好斗言论和政治上的哗众取宠占据上风,那么经济上的权衡可能就要从保护互利变为评估在承受经济压力时那一方的损失更为惨重。
Complacency would be followed by anger and by grandstanding lectures on the virtues of fiscal discipline ( I can see a speech coming by the German finance minister). 各国政府先是自鸣得意,继而是愤怒并发表关于恪守财政纪律之优点的哗众取宠的讲演(我能够想象德国财政大臣发表言说的情景)。
Dissidents within Syria often accuse exiles of being too keen to spend time grandstanding in Western capitals. 叙利亚国内的反对者指责流放到国外的反对派们华而不实,为西方政党争宠。
Open societies might be full of complications, delays and political grandstanding but they are also good at creativity and invention. 开放社会也许充满了复杂、拖沓和政治作秀,但它们也善于创造和发明。
Professional basketball's labor negotiations have so far moved through three stages: Very public grandstanding, mean-spirited negotiations, and a series of far-flung ultimatums. NBA的劳资谈判走过了三个阶段:哗众取宠、密集谈判和一系列最后通牒。
This missile is pompous grandstanding by a very small man. 这枚导弹是这个小个子男人的雄伟的外表。
The G20 needs less such grandstanding and more hard work. 二十国集团需要少一些这样的哗众取宠,多一些实在的工作。
Like most debates around banking, the discussion about the extent to which banks can game the system to lower their risk-weighted assets ( and hence their capital requirements), would benefit from less grandstanding. 正如多数围绕银行业的辩论一样,有关银行在何种程度上蒙蔽体制以减少风险加权资产(从而降低资本要求)的讨论,还是少一些装腔作势为好。
Predictably, much of that time was instead spent grandstanding. 不难预测,大部分时间都被浪费在哗众取宠上了。
Much of this is grandstanding. But there is a serious economic point. 这在很大程度上是造势,但在经济上确实有其意义。
CIC is not alone in its frustration with political grandstanding on SWF investments in the West. 中投并非唯一一家由于西方国家对主权财富基金投资的政治抵触而受挫的公司。
Emphasising that this is about keeping up, rather than grandstanding, she talks about Europe facing an "innovation emergency". 她强调这些项目的目的是要让欧洲继续和其它地区起头并进,而不是原地踏步,她谈到欧洲面临一场“创新危机”。
I was grandstanding. I can be like that. 旁观者清,我也可以像你一样。
Zhao's comments are petty, superstitious and self promoting. Isn't it ironic that a Hollywood movie is a better representative of china than this grandstanding Chinese national? 赵半狄的评价充满狭隘,迷信和自我标榜。一部好莱坞拍的电影比这个徒有其表的中国国民的作品更具有代表性,这难道不是一种讽刺?
Like Mr Clinton, Mr Obama is properly classed as a centrist, with a preference for private-sector solutions and no taste for populist grandstanding. 与克林顿一样,奥巴马也被恰当地列为中间派,更青睐私人部门解决方案,对民粹分子的哗众取宠不感兴趣。
Publicly financed space-exploration should be about science not political grandstanding 资助的太空探险应该是为了科学研究而不是政治上的哗众取宠
Mr McCain, for all his efforts at bipartisan grandstanding, will find it hard to escape guilt by association with the Bush administration. 尽管麦凯恩努力打造致力于两党合作的形象,但他将发现难免会受到摆布什政府的牵连。
What that means, however, is taking on the big long-term issues, above all health costs& not grandstanding and penny-pinching over short-term spending to help a distressed economy. 但是,负责任的财政政策指的是对付大的、长期的问题,首先是医疗成本问题,而不是在短期支出上哗众取宠,一分一分地抠从而使经济遭受损失。
The fact that high reputation PE/ VC organizations failed to significantly reduce the IPO under-pricing rate of their invested companies showed, to some degree, that the Grandstanding Model did not fit to Chinese GEM. 高声誉的创业投资并没有能够显著降低被投资对象IPO的抑价率,在一定程度上证明声誉假说在中国创业板市场上并不适用。