You have to join the party at grass-roots level. 你得参加基层党组织。
A grass-roots regionalism appears to be emerging. 基层地方主义开始露头。
Cadres have gone down to different grass-roots units to take part in manual labour. 干部们分别下基层参加劳动去了。
The minister has gone to spend time in a grass-roots unit and left me in charge of overall business. 部长下去蹲点儿了,面上的工作他让我来抓。
College graduates should answer the party's call to go down to the grass-roots units. 大学毕业生应响应党的号召到基层单位去。
This essay analyses the effect factors of the grass-roots library in sustainable development, and then puts forward the countermeasures for the sustainable development of the grass-roots libraries. 文章分析了影响基层图书馆可持续发展的因素,并据此提出了保证基层图书馆可持续发展的对策。
This practice has won warm support from governments at all levels, cadres at grass-roots level and the people. 这种做法得到了各级政府、基层干部和广大群众的热情支持和衷心拥护。
Problems and Countermeasures of Human Resources Management in China's Grass-roots Government Department 我国基层政府部门人力资源管理存在的问题及对策研究对我国县乡基层政府建设的几点思考
Study on Expert System for the Ideological and Political Work in Grass-Roots Units 部队基层思想政治工作专家系统研究
To establish and improve grass-roots organizations, we should have cadres at the grass-roots level. 公司有健全的组织机构,资金雄厚。建立和健全基层组织,就要有基层干部。
Problems in the Construction of Rural Grass-roots Political Power and Countermeasures 农村基层政权建设存在的问题与对策研究
Hospital Infection Management in 32 Grass-roots Hospitals: Problems and Countermeasures 32所基层医院医院感染管理中存在问题分析研究与对策
Grass-roots Sports Teams Psychological Services Investigation and Research& Yangquan Sports School of the Psychological Services for Investigation and Research 基层运动队心理服务调查与研究&对阳泉体校的心理服务调查与研究
Grass-roots Government in Questions of Population and Family Planning Research 基层政府人口和计划生育工作问题研究
In the long term, growing public safety autonomy is ideal choice to solve grass-roots social security issues. 从长远来看,培植民众治安自治力量才是解决基层社会安全问题的理想选择。
Only by carrying out the grass-roots and day-to-day work can we hopefully implement all of our slogans and principles. 至于提这样口号,那样口号,这样方针,那样方针,只有有了基层工作,有了经常工作,才有希望落实。
The Design and Implementation of Training Management System of Grass-roots Units Based on Component 基于组件技术基层部队训练管理系统设计与实现
Ten such grass-roots projects are highlighted in the report. 该报告提到了10个这样的基层项目。
The development of rural library witnesses the fluctuation during all previous construction programs of grass-roots libraries in our country. 乡镇图书馆的兴衰见证了我国历次基层图书馆建设运动的跌宕起伏。
Objective To study KAP of AIDS among the grass-roots medical workers. 目的调查分析基层医务人员的艾滋病知识与行为态度情况。
Tax System of Ideological and Political Work of Grass-roots Innovation Research 税务系统基层思想政治工作创新研究
Beijing Grass-roots Institution-building Forestry Development and Countermeasures 北京市基层林业机构建设发展与对策研究
Problems and countermeasure in constructing public health service system in grass-roots under new Situation 新形势下基层公共卫生服务体系建设中的问题及对策
Community development and management and political power at the grass-roots level in rural areas need to be strengthened. 加强社区建设和管理,加强农村基层政权建设。
This robust attitude undoubtedly reflected grass-roots opinion in the Party. 这种强硬的态度无疑反映了党内基层的意见。
Analysis of the Role and Action of the Grass-roots Government in the Development of Farmers 'Organizations 农民自组织发展中的基层政府角色和行为论析
The school of whole language teaching is one of extensive and grass-roots teaching school in west. 整体语言教学流派是西方最广泛的平民化教学流派之一,它对西方的语言教育产生了重要的影响。
Experience in grass-roots level to identify the differential ability of Chinese herbal medicines is very important. 经验鉴别对基层中药材的鉴别能力有着十分重要的意义。
The spirit of Gutian Conference has had an important guiding and pushing effect on strengthening the construction of grass-roots Party organizations. 古田会议精神对加强基层党组织建设,起着重要指导和推动作用。
Chinese Government Affair Informationization Construction of Grass-roots Government Study 我国基层政府政务信息化建设问题研究